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1. Bills of lading are usually in three copies or two copies. If the L/C requires it, it should be specified with the forwarder.

T/T payment method, in theory, only one original can be (the other originals automatically invalidated after the withdrawal of goods, the copy can not be withdrawn), T/T received all the money, the original to the customer can be considered to send the original to keep an original, the other all sent to the customer (so as not to lose the bill of lading in the mail route).

2. The front of the bill of lading to show the carrier (full name). This is to know the content of the understanding, the actual letter of credit, the bank told me that the bill of lading does not show the carrier is still safe to hand over the bill of collection (so theoretically it should be shown).

If the carrier is shown on the front, the lower right corner of the carrier's stamp and signature.

If the carrier is not shown on the front and the bill of lading is signed by the transport company, the identity of the signatory will be indicated when signing the bill of lading.

The full name of the carrier is shown on the front but the bill of lading signed by the transport company, the identity of the transport company should be indicated when signing.

3. Shipmented bill of lading and ready-to-ship bill of lading:

Ship-ready bill of lading: the bill of lading issued after the goods are loaded on the ship.

Shipping bill of lading: the goods are not loaded when issued only on behalf of the carrier to take over the shipper's delivery of the goods, so the bill of lading can not prove that the goods are loaded on board the ship (shipping bill of lading date is not loading period).

When the shipping bill of lading stamped "has been loaded" at the same time indicate the time of loading can be transformed into a bill of lading has been loaded.

4 The bill of lading can not have unclean endorsement. 5.

5. The consignee and notifier of the bill of lading must be filled out in strict accordance with the letter of credit.

6 bill of lading issued, date and number of copies: bill of lading must be issued by the carrier or captain or their agents, and should clearly indicate the identity of the issuer. General method of expression: CARRIER, CAPTAIN, or "AS AGENT FOR THE CARRIER: XXX" and so on.

7. for the bill of lading printed on the name of the shipping company (carrier), generally on the side of the freight forwarder will play on the as agent for the carrier. if the bill of lading is not printed on the name of the shipping company, there should be a shipping company's seal signature (your ticket should be signed by the carrier bill of lading of the shipping company, right?)

8. Letter of credit and bill of lading related inconsistencies: bill of lading does not show the carrier. Checked, the official explanation is this: in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, the bill of lading must indicate on the surface of the carrier's name, and signed by the carrier, or as the carrier's named agent or representative, or otherwise confirmed, or by the captain, or as the captain's named agent or representative, signed or otherwise confirmed.

9. bill of lading of different issuers can be divided into: FREIGHT FORWARDER B / L refers to the international carriage of goods, but does not own the ship so that the bill of lading issued by the transport company.ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING, commonly known as the sea bill.

Classification of bill of lading

  Bill of lading in foreign trade, the transport sector to transport goods issued to the consignor of a certificate. The consignee with the bill of lading to the freight destination of the transport department to pick up the goods, the bill of lading shall be signed by the carrier or the ship to take effect. It is one of the effective documents for customs declaration of sea cargo. Below I give you a list of nine categories, as follows:

1, according to the bill of lading consignee's head points

① Nominal bill of lading (Straight B / L): refers to the bill of lading (straight) on the consignee (consignee) column specifically fill in a particular person or company name of the bill of lading. Designated consignee to the carrier or its agent to hand over an original bill of lading is to obtain the delivery of goods. Although the bill of lading is a kind of right certificate, but it is not negotiable. In China, the bill of lading is not transferable.

Nominal bill of lading in the international maritime trade is not widely used, generally only in the delivery of personal effects, exhibits with. (The first TT consignee is directly in the customer's name, not realising the potential danger: never make a named bill of lading without security of collection.)

In many countries, the consignee of a named bill of lading can take delivery of the goods without a bill of lading, so the bill of lading has effectively lost control of the goods. Just like the air waybill, the consignee can take delivery of the goods with proof of identity. Even if the letter of credit settlement, the issuing bank are not willing to accept the bill of lading, so the general letter of credit are stipulated as: TO ORDER such a blank head of the bill of lading, and thus to control and master the right of goods.

Therefore, not only one-sided remember the non-transferable nature of the bill of lading, but also remember that "the consignee of the bill of lading can not bill of lading can take delivery, so the bill of lading has actually lost the role of the right of goods." This is a crucial point! The concept must be remembered comprehensively, so as not to bring errors and losses to the work. Therefore, if only 30% of the payment, and is after the T / T 70% of the collection method, made into a designated consignee bill of lading, that is, the bill of lading, once the customer's bad reputation does not pay, it will be possible to meet the payment, the goods of two empty situation. Of course, if the customer has confidence and certainty of collection, it is another story.

② bearer bill of lading (Bearer B / L, or Open B / L, or Blank B / L): that is, the bill of lading consignee column does not list the name. Such bills of lading can be transferred without endorsement, the carrier releases the goods on the basis of the bill. Bearer bill of lading does not list the name of the consignee of the bill of lading, who holds the bill of lading, who can be bill of lading to the carrier to withdraw the goods, the carrier delivery is based on the single does not rely on people. The bill of lading in the consignee column is: To the order. that is, any holder of the bill of lading have the right to pick up the goods. Is to point to whoever as long as the bill of lading holder of the bill of lading for the delivery of goods. If the bill of lading 1, clearly states that it is a bearer bill of lading; 2, it will be the consignee as bearer; 3, it as a bill of lading but failed to indicate under whose instructions; 4, it is a blank endorsement of the bill of lading. Bearer bill of lading can be transferred without endorsement.

③ instructions bill of lading (Order B / L): that is, according to the bill of lading instructions contained in the instructions of the person to deliver the goods of the bill of lading. Is the current international trade is usually used in the bill of lading. Is the bill of lading on the consignee column contains "" with instructions "" (to Order) or "" with someone instructions "" (to the Order of) the words of the bill of lading. The former is called bearer instructions bill of lading, the carrier shall deliver the goods according to the shipper's instructions; the latter is called bearer instructions bill of lading, the carrier according to the instructions of the bearer to deliver the goods.

  1, with the bank instructions. That is, the bill of lading consignee column filled out as "to the order of xx Bank".

  2, with the consignee instructions. That is, the bill of lading consignee column filled out as "to the order of A.B.C. Co.

  3、With the consignor's instruction. That is, the bill of lading consignee column fill in "to the order of shipper", and by the shipper in the back of the bill of lading blank endorsement. This bill of lading can also be made under the provisions of the letter of credit into a registered endorsement. The consignee may not make endorsement, in this case only the shipper can pick up the goods, that is, the seller retains ownership of the goods.

  And the so-called release of goods without a bill of lading, refers to the carrier does not deliver the goods with the original bill of lading behaviour.

  At present, for the instructions of the bill of lading and bearer bill of lading, the carrier must release the goods with the original bill of lading, the carrier did not release the goods with the original bill of lading, regardless of which party the goods are released to the legitimate holder of the original bill of lading can be pursued by the carrier for the release of goods without a single breach of contract liability. This point in our maritime judicial practice are unified. But in the case of the bill of lading, if the carrier did not deliver the goods to the original bill of lading, the legal holder of the bill of lading to the carrier to claim breach of contract? At present, both theory and practice have a negative tendency.  

  To sum up, the domestic cargo units should fully understand the danger of named bill of lading, the trade buyer requesting the issuance of its consignee of the named bill of lading can not be freely agreed to ensure that in the case of the letter of credit and other means of settlement of foreign exchange is blocked, the carrier without a bill of lading to pursue the breach of contract liability.

2、Divided according to whether the goods have been loaded on board

Shipped B/L (Shipped B/L, or On Board B/L):: refers to the goods loaded by the carrier or its authorised agent according to the first mate receipt issued to the shipper's bill of lading. If the carrier issued a bill of lading has been loaded, is to confirm that he has loaded the goods on board.

② Received for Shipment bill of lading (Received for Shipment B / L): is the carrier in the receipt of the goods handed over to the shipper but not yet loaded, at the request of the shipper and the bill of lading issued.

3, according to the bill of lading with or without endorsement division

① clean bill of lading (Clean B / L): refers to the goods loaded on board in good condition, the carrier did not add any damage to the goods, poor packaging or other impediments to the settlement of the bill of lading endorsement.

② not clean bill of lading (Unclean B / L or Foul B / L): not clean bill of lading (Unclean B / L or foul B / L) refers to the carrier in the bill of lading on the bad condition of the goods and packaging or the existence of defects, such as water and wet, grease, stains, rust and other endorsements of the bill of lading.

4, according to the different modes of transport

① direct bill of lading (Direct B / L): refers to the goods from the port of loading after loading, the middle of the ship without changing directly to the port of discharge and unloading the bill of lading issued.

② transhipment bill of lading (Transhipment B / L): refers to the goods must be transferred to the destination port by the carrier in the port of shipment issued by the full bill of lading.

③ intermodal bill of lading (Through B/L): refers to two or more modes of transport (sea and land, sea and river, sea and air, sea and sea, etc.) intermodal transport of goods, by the first carrier (the first vessel transport carrier) to collect the full freight charges, in the place of departure issued to the destination port of the full transport bill of lading. Intermodal bill of lading, although including the whole journey, but the bill of lading issued by the carrier only on their own transport of a voyage in the loss of goods is responsible for, this bill of lading and transshipment bill of lading of lading of the same nature.

④ multimodal transport bill of lading (MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L): refers to the goods by sea, inland waterways, railways, highways, air and other two or more modes of transport for joint transport and the signing of the bill of lading applicable to the whole transport.

5, according to the bill of lading content of simple and complex division

① full-type bill of lading (Long Form B / L): relative to the simple bill of lading, is the bill of lading in addition to the front printed on the bill of lading form of the matters recorded on the back of the bill of lading listed on the carrier and the shipper and the consignee of the rights and obligations between the bill of lading, such as the detailed terms. As a result of the terms and conditions, so also known as "" traditional bill of lading "".

② simple bill of lading (Short Form B / L, or Simple B / L): also known as the short form of bill of lading, slightly bill of lading, is relative to the full bill of lading, is the bill of lading on the back of the bill of lading does not have the rights and obligations of the carrier and the shipper and the consignee of the bill of lading between the detailed terms.

6, according to the issuance of the bill of lading time division

① inverted bill of lading (Anti-dated B / L): refers to the carrier should be the shipper's request in the goods loaded on board the ship, the bill of lading issued earlier than the actual date of completion of loading the bill of lading. 

② Shun signed bill of lading (Post-date B / L): refers to the goods after loading. Carrier or shipping agent at the request of the owner of the goods, later than the actual date of completion of loading of the goods as the bill of lading date of issue of the bill of lading.

③ Advanced B/L (Advanced B/L): refers to the shipment period and the settlement period of the letter of credit has arrived, the owner of the goods for any reason can not timely prepare the goods or has not yet been loaded on board, or due to the shipping company's reasons the ship can not be loaded in the shipment period in the port loading, at the request of the shipper and the shipper or its agent in advance of the shipment of bills of lading issued by the carrier or its agent. Bills of lading issued by the carrier or its agent at the request of the shipper. All the responsibilities arising from the advance bill of lading are borne by the issuer of the bill of lading.

④ expired bill of lading (Stale B/L): refers to the exporter to obtain the bill of lading failed to timely to the bank, or over the bank's bill of lading period is not negotiated and the formation of expired bill of lading, customarily also known as demurrage bill of lading.

7、Divided by charging method

① freight prepaid bill of lading (Freight Prepaid B/L): the transaction price of CIF, CFR conditions for freight prepaid, according to the provisions of the consignment of goods, freight must be prepaid. Freight prepaid in the case of the bill of lading issued

② Freight to pay the bill of lading (Freihgt to Collect B/L): indicates that the freight in the port of destination by the consignee to pay the bill of lading, and the bill of lading on the freight to pay, otherwise it can not against the consignee.

③ Minimum freight bill of lading (Minimum B/L): refers to each bill of lading on the goods according to the minimum charges for freight charges issued by the bill of lading.

8, according to the bill of lading issued by the different divisions

The bill of lading issued by shipping company? : Usually issued for the whole container of goods bill of lading

② non-vessel-owning carrier bill of lading issued (NVOCC B / L): freight forwarding company or logistics company as a carrier, and the consignor signed a contract of carriage of goods and the bill of lading issued.

9、Special bill of lading

① consolidated bill of lading (Omnibus B / L): refers to the shipper's request for different kinds of goods combined in the same bill of lading.

② and loaded bill of lading (Combined B / L): refers to two or more batches of varieties, quality, port of loading and port of discharge of the same, but belonging to different consignees of the liquid bulk goods and loaded in 1 the same liquid cargo tanks and were issued for the consignee of each batch of goods, stamped with a 'and loading terms' seal of the bill of lading.

(iii) sub-bill of lading (Separate B/L): refers to the loading list of the same batch of goods is subdivided into more than two batches of bills of lading issued separately.

④ exchange bill of lading (Switch B/L): refers to the original bill of lading issued in exchange for another set of bills of lading. In the conditions of direct transport, at the request of the shipper, the carrier undertakes to exchange another set of bills of lading issued at the port of departure for another set of bills of lading issued at the port of departure at an agreed port of call.

⑤ Cabin cargo bill of lading (On Deck B/L): also known as deck cargo bill of lading. This refers to the goods loaded on the open deck of the carrier, and the bill of lading indicated "" loaded on the deck "" (On Deck) words of the bill of lading.

⑥ parcel bill of lading (Parcel Receipt B/L): refers to the parcel form of consignment of goods and the issuance of the bill of lading parcel form of consignment of goods and the issuance of the bill of lading. This is the carrier according to the special needs of trade and set up a bill of lading, the weight shall not exceed 45kg.

(7) container bill of lading (Container B / L): refers to the shipment of containers issued by the bill of lading. Container cargo transport is the main freight documents, responsible for the container transport operator or its agent, after receiving the container goods and issued to the shipper's bill of lading.

Source: shipping network

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