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"The bill of lading BILL OF LADING (B/L) stands for the goods, be sure to know enough about the bill of lading.

Basic knowledge and points to note

1. B/L is usually in 3 sides, or 2 sides and 3 sides. If the letter of credit has the requirement, we should make a special explanation with the forwarder.

T/T payment method, in theory, only one original can be (after the withdrawal of the other original automatically invalid, the copy can not be withdrawn), T/T received all the money, the original to the customer to send the original can be considered to stay in their own original, the other all sent to the customer (so as to avoid losing the bill of lading in the mail road).

2. The front of the bill of lading to show the carrier (full name). This is to know the content of the understanding, the actual letter of credit, the bank told me that the bill of lading does not show the carrier is still safe to hand over the bill of collection (so theoretically it should be shown).

If the carrier is shown on the front, the lower right corner of the carrier's stamp and signature.

If the carrier is not shown on the front and the bill of lading is signed by the transport company, the identity of the signatory will be indicated when signing the bill of lading.

The full name of the carrier is shown on the front but the bill of lading signed by the transport company, the identity of the transport company should be indicated when signing.

3. Shipmented bill of lading and ready-to-ship bill of lading:

Ship-ready bill of lading: the bill of lading issued after the goods are loaded on the ship.

Shipping bill of lading: the goods are not loaded when issued only on behalf of the carrier to take over the shipper's delivery of the goods, so the bill of lading can not prove that the goods are loaded on board the ship (shipping bill of lading date is not loading period).

When the shipping bill of lading stamped "has been loaded" at the same time indicate the time of loading can be transformed into a bill of lading has been loaded.

4 The bill of lading can not have unclean endorsement. 5.

5. The consignee and notifier of the bill of lading must be filled out in strict accordance with the letter of credit.

6 bill of lading issued, date and number of copies: bill of lading must be issued by the carrier or captain or their agents, and should clearly indicate the identity of the issuer. General method of expression: CARRIER, CAPTAIN, or "AS AGENT FOR THE CARRIER: XXX" and so on.

7. for the bill of lading printed on the name of the shipping company (carrier), generally on the side of the freight forwarder will play on the as agent for the carrier. if the bill of lading is not printed on the name of the shipping company, there should be a shipping company's seal signature (your ticket should be signed by the carrier bill of lading of the shipping company, right?)

8. Letter of credit and bill of lading related inconsistencies: bill of lading does not show the carrier. Checked, the official explanation is this: in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, the bill of lading must indicate on the surface of the carrier's name, and signed by the carrier, or as the carrier's named agent or representative, or otherwise confirmed, or by the captain, or as the captain's named agent or representative, signed or otherwise confirmed.

9. bill of lading issuer can be divided into: FREIGHT FORWARDER B / L refers to the international carriage of goods, but does not own the ship so that the bill of lading issued by the transport company.ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING, commonly known as the sea bill.

L/C payment conditions of each document production time order

Contract ---> L/C issuance ---> invoice (invoice date should be noted earlier than the date of delivery and the validity of the letter of credit, commercial invoices on the date can not be earlier than the letter of credit on the opening date) (The date of invoice should be earlier than the delivery date and the validity period of the letter of credit, and the date of commercial invoice should not be earlier than the date of the letter of credit, and the date of invoice should be at the top of the documents) --> certificate of origin (the date of certificate of origin should be the same as the date of invoice. Application for certificate of origin can be made on the day of invoice or after the application, the date of issue will be equal to or later than the invoice date), insurance policy, packing list, export licence, commodity inspection, other inspection certificates ---> shipping company certificate (if needed) ---> bill of lading date ---> bill of exchange (the date of the bill of exchange should be earlier than the date of delivery and validity of the letter of credit), the beneficiary certificate (some letters of credit do not have a beneficiary certificate, the documents required to be involved in the requirements), notice of loading (equal to or later than three days after the date of the bill of lading), the shipping notice (equal to) (or later than three days after the bill of lading date) anyway, those documents that need to pay the single date of information must be earlier than the date of delivery.

The above time order is basically consistent with the entire foreign trade process, complete a single after the details of the entire process is clear.

Bill of lading classification

Bill of lading is divided into the following three bills of lading:

  First, the bill of lading (straight B/L), that is, the consignee's name bill of lading. China's "Maritime Law" provides that the bill of lading shall not be transferable, the carrier must deliver the goods to the consignee stated in the bill of lading.

  Nominal bill of lading in the international maritime trade is not widely used, generally only in the delivery of personal effects, exhibits. (The first TT consignee is directly in the customer's name, not realising the potential danger: never make a named bill of lading without security of collection.)

  In many countries, the consignee of a named bill of lading can take delivery of the goods without a bill of lading, so the bill of lading has effectively lost control of the goods. Just like the air waybill, the consignee can take delivery of the goods with proof of identity. Even if the letter of credit settlement, the issuing bank are not willing to accept the bill of lading, so the general letter of credit are stipulated as: TO ORDER such a blank head of the bill of lading, and thus to control and master the right of goods.

  Therefore, not only one-sided remember the non-transferable nature of the bill of lading, but also remember that "the consignee of the bill of lading can not bill of lading can take delivery, so the bill of lading has actually lost the role of the right of goods." This is a crucial point! The concept must be remembered comprehensively, so as not to bring errors and losses to the work. Therefore, if only 30% of the payment, and is after the T / T 70% of the collection method, made into a designated consignee bill of lading, that is, the bill of lading, once the customer's bad reputation does not pay, it will be possible to meet the payment, the goods of two empty situation. Of course, if the customer has confidence and certainty of collection, it is another story.

  Second, bearer bill of lading (Open B/L (Blank B/L, Bearer B/L)), that is, the bill of lading consignee column does not list the name. Such bills of lading can be transferred without endorsement, the carrier releases the goods on the basis of the bill.

  Bearer bill of lading does not list the name of the consignee of the bill of lading, who holds the bill of lading, who can be bill of lading to the carrier to withdraw the goods, the carrier delivery is based on the single does not rely on people.

  The bill of lading in the consignee column is indicated: To the order

  Third, the bill of lading, that is, according to the bill of lading instructions set out in the instructions of the delivery of goods bill of lading. Is the current international trade is usually used in the bill of lading.

  1, with the bank instructions. That is, the bill of lading consignee column filled out as "to the order of xx Bank".

  2, with the consignee instructions. That is, the bill of lading consignee column filled out as "to the order of A.B.C. Co. Ltd".

  3、With the consignor's instruction. That is, the bill of lading consignee column fill in "to the order of shipper", and by the shipper in the back of the bill of lading blank endorsement. This bill of lading can also be made under the provisions of the letter of credit into a registered endorsement. The consignee may not make endorsement, in this case only the shipper can pick up the goods, that is, the seller retains ownership of the goods.

  And the so-called release of goods without a bill of lading, refers to the carrier does not deliver the goods with the original bill of lading behaviour.

  At present, for the instructions of the bill of lading and bearer bill of lading, the carrier must release the goods with the original bill of lading, the carrier did not release the goods with the original bill of lading, regardless of which party the goods are released to the legitimate holder of the original bill of lading can be pursued by the carrier for the release of goods without a single breach of contract. This point in our maritime judicial practice are unified. But in the case of the bill of lading, if the carrier did not deliver the goods to the original bill of lading, the legal holder of the bill of lading to the carrier to claim breach of contract? At present, both theory and practice have a negative tendency.  

  To sum up, the domestic cargo owner unit should fully understand the danger of the bearer bill of lading, the trade buyer requesting the issuance of the bearer bill of lading as the consignee can not be arbitrarily agreed to ensure that in the case of the letter of credit and other means of settlement of foreign exchange is blocked, the carrier without a bill of lading to pursue the breach of contract liability.

The form of bill of lading issuance

1. Electric release: it is necessary to provide the original "letter of guarantee for electric release". Letter of Guarantee is to issue an affirmation that this batch of goods what things to put to which of your customers, and then below the official seal, passed to the freight forwarder, the rest do not have to worry about. (Of course, the premise of electric release is safe collection! Generally, the former TT received money before electric discharge), bill of lading confirmation, shipment, waiting for the forwarder to copy the bill of lading back, and then passed to the customer can be. 2. bill of lading: 3-4 days after the shipment (when the customer in us and other factories booked the same cabinet, for convenience and safety, can be divided into bills of lading, each to the customer to send over.) 3. Combined bill of lading: same as above

4. off-site release: subject to the consent of the shipping company.

Container loading

1. door-to-door: that is, book the cabin to the freight forwarder, make an appointment, then the freight forwarder will send a fleet to your factory, or a designated place to load the goods, and then return to the port.

2. Inside loading: It means that the factory sends the goods directly to the warehouse of the forwarder, and then they will help you to pull them into the harbour area, and the cargo owner has no right to send them directly into the harbour area.

"Due to the ship, cargo, port and other aspects of the various reasons, make the ship in the transport of goods to increase the cost of expenditure or suffer economic losses, the ship to compensate for these expenses or losses, in addition to the basic rate, the provisions of another charge, it is called a surcharge Surcharge or Additional. surcharges of various types, and with the change of some circumstances, will be cancelled or formulated a new surcharge. There are many different types of surcharges, and as circumstances change, new surcharges are cancelled or instituted. This article is on the existing more commonly used shipping surcharges slightly collated, I hope to help you better understand the shipping surcharges.

01General Rate Increase Surcharge (GRI)

The full name of GRI is General Rate Increase, which is generally used in South American and American routes. Because of the port, ship, fuel, cargo or other reasons, making the shipping company's transport costs increased significantly, the shipowner in order to compensate for these increased expenditures, so the comprehensive rate increase surcharge.

02 Peak Season Surcharge (PSS)

The full name of PSS is Peak Season Surcharge, which is generally in the peak season when the freight is busier, many shipping companies will take the excuse to charge, and China's "Spring Festival" price increases are somewhat similar. The peak season is from April to November every year.

03Emergency Bunker Surcharge (EBS)

The full name is Emergency Bunker Surcharge, meaning Emergency Bunker Surcharge (EBS), which belongs to a surcharge of ocean freight and is generally settled in US dollars like ocean freight. If it is FOB terms, this cost should be borne by the consignee, not the consignor, because EBS is not a FOB local cost. This fee can be paid on arrival or in advance.

EBS is generally in the international crude oil prices climb rapidly, the shipping company feels more than their ability to bear, due to the market is not prosperous and not convenient to timely rise in ocean freight, in order to make up for the rapid rise in the cost of a surcharge, and a temporary increase in a surcharge.

04Terminal Handling Charge (THC)

THC is Terminal Handling Charge, which can be further divided into OTHC-Origin Terminal Handling Charge (OTHC-Origin Terminal Handling Charge) and DTHC-Destination Terminal Handling Charge (DTHC-Destination Terminal Handling Charge).

05Origin Receiving Charge ORC

The full name is Original Receiving Charge (ORC), Local Receiving Charge (LRC), Origin Receiving Charge (ORC), Origin Receiving Charge (ORC). This is a complicated charge, which is both different from and related to THC (Terminal Handling Charge), which is only available at ports in South China, mainly in Guangdong, while THC is available at all ports (including ports in Guangdong), and only one of them is charged for both ORC and THC - if ORC is charged, THC will not be charged again; if THC is charged, ORC will not be charged again. ORC is specifically for ocean routes from ports in South China with destinations in North America, Central and South America, Europe and North Africa. For ports in South China to other destinations, such as Southeast Asia, only THC will be levied, just like ports in other regions.

06Port Congestion Surcharge (PCS)

The full name is Port Congestion Surcharge, when the port is congested or particularly busy, the waiting time and the ship's period will be extended, the tugboat fee and other port fees may also increase, which will result in a substantial increase in the cost of transport, in order to make up for the loss of this cost, the shipping company will be charged to the shipper of the port congestion surcharge.

07 Container Imbalance Charge (CIC)

The full name of CIC is Container Imbalance Charge, sometimes called Container Imbalance Surcharge, which is a surcharge imposed by shipping companies to make up for the cost of transferring empty containers due to the imbalance of trade volume or seasonal changes leading to the imbalance of cargo flow and containers.

08 Destination Delivery Charge (DDC)

DDC full name is Destination Delivery Charge, in DDU, DDP and other terms, the cost of the seller / shipper shipper, otherwise by the buyer / consignee consignee to pay. For example, CIF terms - the buyer / consignee to bear the goods in the port of shipment after crossing the ship's side of all the costs and risks, so the port of destination of all the costs, including DDC are borne by the party / consignee.

09Overweight surcharge HLA

The full name of HLA is Heavy-Lift Additiona, also called Surcharge For Over Weight, which means that the weight of a single piece of cargo exceeds a certain standard (the standard stipulated by different forwarders or shipowners may not be the same), and requires special equipment (such as heavy-duty crane) or special operation (such as the need for padding, reinforcing materials and manual lashing or reinforcement), and the loading and unloading operation is more difficult, or special treatment is required in the accumulation of the vessel. A surcharge to compensate for the increased operating costs of a ship that is more difficult to load or unload, or requires special handling in terms of ship's stowage.

Generally, a load exceeding 2, 3 or 5 tonnes is considered overweight. Overweight surcharge is charged according to the weight, the larger the weight, the higher the surcharge, and if the vessel has to be transferred, it will be charged once for each transfer.

10Currency Appreciation Fee (CAF)

The full name of CAF is Currency Adjustment Factor, also known as CAS-Currency Adjustment Surcharge, when the currency in which the freight is to be charged is significantly devalued, the shipping company will suffer a large loss due to the devaluation of the currency. In order to make up for the loss, the shipowner will pass on the loss to the shipper/cargo owner by adding a Currency Adjustment Surcharge.

11 LLA (Long Length Surcharge)

The full name of LLA is Long Length Additional, also called Over Length Additional or Surcharge For Over Length, which refers to the length of a single piece of cargo exceeding a certain standard (the standard stipulated by different forwarding agents or shipowners may be different), requiring special equipment or special operation, and the loading and unloading operation is more difficult, or in the case of the ship accumulating loads, it is more difficult for the shipper/cargo owner to pay the surcharge. or special treatment is required for the accumulation of loads on the ship, in order to make up for the increase in operating costs and charge a surcharge. Generally more than 9 metres is considered to be over length, if the container cargo is generally stipulated to be more than 6 metres is considered to be over length, the rate according to the length of the graded increment.

12 Emergency Cost Rating Surcharge (ECRS)

ECRS full name is Emergency Cost Recovery Surcharge, can also be called "bad weather operation surcharge" - for example, bad weather conditions caused by significant increases in the cost of transport and operation of the vessel And so on and so forth, we have to add this fee.

13 Container Service Charge (CSC)

CSC is Container Service Charge, or Container Service Charge.

14 Fuel Adjustment Fee (FAF)

The full name is Fuel Adjustment Factor, generally used in Japanese routes. This surcharge is somewhat similar to the temporary fuel surcharge above - essentially the same, but a different name.

15 Entry Summary Declaration ENS

ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) is the abbreviation of "Entry Summary Declaration", which refers to the European Customs Advance Manifest Rules. Since 1 January 2011, the European Union to (all imports into the EU) or through (all transit goods, all transit goods, all unloaded goods on board, etc.) the EU ports of all freight mandatory implementation of the "Manifest Advance Declaration" rules, the rules apply to all EU member states.

16 Suez Canal Surcharge (SCS)

The full name of SCS is Suez Canal Surcharge, which is basically used to pass through the Suez Canal on the routes from Asia, Oceania, East Africa and other regions to Europe, and the shipping companies need to pay a certain amount of navigational expenses to the canal authorities when the ship passes through the Suez Canal, and the shipowners will collect this cost from their customers in the form of Suez Canal Surcharge.

17 Panama Canal Surcharge PTF

The full name of PTF is Panama Canal Transit Fee, which is the same as Suez Canal Surcharge, and the routes from Far East and the west of the United States (referred to as the United States West) to the east of the United States (referred to as the United States East) generally have to pass through Panama Canal, and the shipping company needs to pay a certain amount of navigation expenses to the canal authorities when the ship passes through Panama Canal, and this cost is collected to customers by the ship owner through the form of Panama Canal Surcharge. charged to the customer.

18 DOC

DOC=Document, in forwarding industry, DOC has 2 charges, one is DOC charged by shipping company, fixed charge, charged by RMB. The other one is DOC charged by the destination port, which is also regarded as one of the basic costs of the destination port, and the agent of the destination port is charged according to the US dollar, and the charge of each agent is not the same.

19 Automatic Manifest System Entry Fee AMS

The full name is Automatic Manifest System, Automatic Manifest System Entry Fee. It is used in US-Canada route, unique to the US - all cargoes to the US or cargoes transiting through the US to other countries or regions are subject to AMS declaration (24 hours before loading).AMS is also known as 24-hour Manifest System/US Anti-Terrorism Manifest System.

20 Temporary Additional Risk Charge (TAR)

The full name is Temporary Additional Risks, this fee is a bit inexplicable, in fact, can be simply understood as a war surcharge, or think of it as a war surcharge another way of saying.

21 Automated Manifest System Entry Fee ACI

The full name is Advance Commercial Information, Canada Customs regulations, all goods to Canada or transshipment through Canada to other countries must be loaded 24 hours before the ship to the Canadian Customs declaration, with the United States AMS is very similar.

22 General Rate Increase Surcharge (GRI)

GRI is called General Rate Increase, which is generally used in South American and American routes. Because of the port, ship, fuel, cargo or other reasons, making the shipping company's transport costs increased significantly, the shipowner to compensate for these increased expenses, so the comprehensive rate increase surcharge.

23 Cleaning Charge CC

The full name is Cleaning Charge, also known as cleaning labour costs, sweeping and washing fees. This fee is generally more common in the bulk cargo transport.

24 Fuel Surcharge

Bunker Surcharge (BUNKER SURCHARGE OR BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR - B.A.F.) is added when the price of fuel rises suddenly.

25 Transhipment Surcharge

TRANSHIPMENT SURCHARGE: Where goods destined for a non-basic port need to be transferred to the port of destination, a surcharge charged by the vessel, which includes the transfer fee and the two-way freight.


DIRECT ADDITIONAL: When the cargo to the non-basic port reaches a certain volume, the shipping company can arrange for a direct voyage to the port without transferring the ship when the surcharge is added.

27 port surcharge:

PORT ADDITIONAL OR PORT SUECHARGE: The surcharge added by the shipping company in some ports due to poor equipment conditions or low loading and unloading efficiency, as well as other reasons.

28 Port Selection Surcharge:

OPTIONAL SURCHARGE: The cargo consignor can not determine the specific port of discharge in the consignment fashion, and requested to choose a port to discharge the cargo in the two or more ports proposed in advance, the ship's side to add a surcharge.


DEVIATION SURCHARGE: A surcharge added by the ship if the ship must make a detour to carry the cargo to the port of destination due to the obstruction of the normal sea lanes which are not passable.

30 change of discharge port surcharge:

ALTERNATIONAL OF DESTINATION CHARGE: A surcharge added by the owner of the cargo if he requests a change of the port or harbour where the cargo was originally destined, with the permission of the authorities concerned (e.g. Customs) and the consent of the ship."

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