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"I. Export Fireworks Hazards

Classification significance

Fireworks belong to Class 1 dangerous goods stipulated by the United Nations, and their storage and transport involves greater safety risks. According to the classification and management of dangerous goods, selecting the correct and applicable packaging and marking is an important guarantee for the safety of storage, transport and use of goods.

Customs will crack down on the illegal behaviours of evading safety supervision, such as under-reporting of high risk, under-reporting of multi-hazard, and non-reporting of hazard-related dangerous goods.

In order to further improve the export of fireworks transport safety awareness, this paper combines the customs supervision requirements to interpret the "export of fireworks hazard classification method" (SN/T 1727-2006), with you to understand the significance of the export of fireworks hazard classification, hazard classification overview, hazard classification test methods and results of the decision and other aspects of knowledge.

Second, the export of fireworks hazardous

Classification Overview

Explanation of terms

1, item: explosives according to the size of its dangerous classification of the items, currently divided into 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 internationally.

2, with the group: two or more substances or products in storage or transport together, will not increase the probability of an accident, for the same amount of transport will not increase the degree of harm of such accidents, then these goods can be designated as the same group. Fireworks are assigned to the G and S compatibility groups. Unless the product is classified as 1.4S by test, all fireworks products belong to the G compatibility group.

Integral explosion: an explosion in which all substances or products actually explode at the same time.

Classification Principles

Through the hazard class classification test, fireworks are classified into the following four categories according to their explosion hazards, from high to low:


1.1 Division: the overall explosion risk of the product (the overall explosion refers to virtually instantaneous impact of almost all the load of the explosion).


Division 1.2: products with a burst hazard, but without an overall explosion hazard.


Division 1.3: products with a risk of combustion combined with a risk of localised explosion, a risk of localised projection, or both, but without a risk of total explosion.


Division 1.4: Products that do not present a significant hazard, including:

-Products which present only a minor hazard in the event of ignition or initiation during transport. The effects are largely confined to the package itself and are expected to eject small fragments with a short range. External fire will not cause an instantaneous explosion of almost the entire contents of the package.

-Inclusion in Compatibility Group S is subject to the condition that it is packaged or designed in such a way that any hazardous effects incidentally induced will be confined to the package unless the package is burned; and in the event that the package is burned, all explosive or projectile effects will be limited so as not to materially impede fire-fighting or other emergency response measures in the immediate vicinity of the package.

Summarised below:

NOTE: Since the criterion for Compatibility Group S is an experimentally based criterion, assignment to this compatibility group must be subjected to the tests required for assignment to Division 1.4.

III. Hazard Classification of Export Fireworks

Classification test methods and results of judgement

Test process details

Test 1, a single package test

Apply to a single package, used to determine whether the contents of the whole explosion.

The package will be placed on the ground on a steel verification plate.

The sample is surrounded by a suitable barrier material with a thickness of 0.5 metres for packages not exceeding 0.15m3 and 1.0 metres for packages exceeding 0.15m3 .

The substance or article is initiated and the following observations are made: thermal effects, bursting effects, detonation, deflagration, or signs of explosion of the entire contents of the package. A safe waiting period specified by the test organisation shall be observed after initiation. The test shall be carried out three times, unless a decisive result occurs before the third time.

An overall explosion indicates that the product may be considered for classification in Division 1.1. Indications of this condition include the presence of a crater at the test site, damage to the witness plate underneath the package, measurement of a shock wave, splitting and dispersion of the containment material.

If the product is classified in Division 1.1, no additional tests are required; otherwise, Test II should be performed.

Test II. Stacking test

For determining whether an explosion propagates from one package to another.

Stack not less than 2 specimens with a total volume of not less than 0.15 m3 on a verification plate in the same manner as they were transported, with the ignition device attached.

Surround the samples with suitable containment material.

Initiate the product and make the following observations: thermal effects, bursting effects, detonation, deflagration or signs of explosion of the entire contents of the package. A safe waiting period specified by the test organisation shall be observed after initiation. The test shall be performed three times unless a decisive result occurs before the third time.

If, in test two, the contents of more than one package or unpackaged article actually explode instantaneously, the product shall be assigned to Division 1.1.

If the product is classified in Division 1.1, no additional test is required; otherwise, a test of Type III shall be performed.

Test III. External fire (campfire) test

Used to determine whether an overall explosion occurs when the package is exposed to external fire, or whether there is a danger of dangerous bursts, radiant heat and/or violent combustion or other dangerous effects.

Take specimens (not less than 3) with a packing volume of not less than 0.15m3.

Place the specimens close together on the support, in such a way that the direction of placement is such that the bursts are most likely to strike the verification screen, and the fuel is stacked under the support in such a way that the flame is able to

surround the specimen.

A verification screen is erected at a distance of 4 metres on three sides around the specimen, the fuel is ignited, and signs of detonation, bursts of projections and thermal effects are observed and recorded.

Exemption Procedures:

1、Tests I and II may be exempted if the product is not considered to be hazardous enough to produce an overall explosion.

2、Test I may be exempted if the package contains only one product.

3. Test II may be exempted if in each test of test I the following conditions are present.

--The exterior of the package has not been damaged by internal explosion and/or fire;

--The contents of the package did not explode or the explosion was so weak that it can be excluded that the effects of the explosion would propagate from one package to another in test II.

4. If, in test II, almost the entire contents of the stack explode practically instantaneously, test III may be waived. In this case, the product is classified as Division 1.1.

Fourth, failure cases and customs reminders

Failure cases

Case 1

A customs in the implementation of a batch of fireworks inspection, found that the batch of fireworks used in the outer packaging carton printed on the dangerous transport classification of 1.4S, according to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations on the default classification of fireworks" fireworks table, the part of the goods hazardous category should be 1.4G, the shipment of goods is a "high-risk and low reporting". The cargo is "high risk and low declaration". The Customs ruled that the goods were unqualified and were not allowed to be exported.

Case 2

A customs declaration of a batch of fireworks transport hazard class 1.4G (UN No. 0336) implementation of the inspection, found that the goods transport hazard class classification is doubtful, after taking samples sent to the Customs Technology Centre for testing, the results show that the batch of fireworks the actual hazard class of 1.3G (UN No. 0335), is a "high-risk under-reporting ". The Customs ruled that the goods were unqualified and were not allowed to be exported.

Customs remind

1, fireworks are different from general export commodities, belonging to inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, fireworks transport has strict laws and regulations.

2, the import and export enterprises should be marked true and accurate transport hazard class, wrongly marked transport hazard class, especially high risk underreporting transport hazard class of fireworks exported, due to the lack of appropriate safety protection measures, will bring great safety hazards, a serious threat to the people's lives and property safety.

3, for the illegal export of fireworks and other dangerous goods, the Customs and Excise Department will be severely cracked down on.

At present, the United States is the world's largest importer of fireworks. U.S. federal regulations 27 CFR Part 555 in the United Nations number 0335 (that is, the transport of hazard class 1.3G) fireworks products as a professional fireworks, this will be the consumption of fireworks, fire category and transport level directly linked to the way, resulting in the United Nations number 0335 fireworks products can not be sold in the U.S. consumer market."

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