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"AMS (Automated Manifest System, American Manifest System, Advanced Manifest System) is known as the American Manifest Entry System (AMES), also known as the 24-hour Manifest Forecast or the U.S. Customs Anti-Terrorism Manifest, and is a system that was established in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2002. originated in 2002, "911" terrorist attacks, the United States out of counter-terrorism needs to establish a system.

According to the regulations issued by the U.S. Customs, all goods exported to the U.S. or transiting through the U.S. to a third country must be declared to the U.S. Customs twenty-four hours prior to shipment. The freight forwarder who is closest to the direct exporter is required to send AMS information, which is sent directly to the U.S. Customs database through the use of the U.S. Customs designated system, and is automatically checked and responded to by the U.S. Customs system, which needs to be sent with the detailed information of the goods to the past, including the destination port of the gross weight and volume of the pieces of the number of items of the name of the case number of the shipowner's real consignee or consignor (FORWARDER does not count), and the corresponding code number. As well as the corresponding code number and so on. Waiting for the U.S. side said acceptance to ship, such as HB/L, the two copies should be sent to ....... Otherwise, the cargo will not be able to board the ship.

Origin of AMS: After 9/11 terrorist attack in 2002, US Customs and Homeland Security registered this new customs rule on 31 Oct 2002, which came into effect on 2 Dec 2002, followed by a 60-day buffer period (non-fraudulent violations during the buffer period will not be held liable).

Who should send the AMS information? US Customs requires the forwarder closest to the direct exporter (NVOCC) to send the AMS information. The NOVCC that sends the AMS first needs to obtain the NVOCC qualification from the US FMC and at the same time needs to apply for the exclusive SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) from the US NMFTA (National Motor Freight Traffic Association) before sending the relevant data to the US Customs. to send the relevant data to the US Customs. During the sending process, NVOCC must have a complete and clear understanding of the relevant rules of the U.S. Customs and act in strict accordance with the relevant rules, which may lead to delays in customs clearance or even fines by the U.S. Customs.

How many days in advance should AMS information be sent? Because AMS is also called 24-hour manifest forecast, as the name implies, it is to send the manifest 24 hours in advance, 24 hours is not the standard of sailing time, it should be required to get the U.S. Customs' acknowledgement 24 hours before the box on board the ship (the forwarder gets the OK/1Y, and the shipping company or the terminal gets the 69), there is no regulation on how much time to send in advance, and it is useless to send it earlier without getting the correct acknowledgement.

In practice, the shipping company or the NVOCC will not be able to get the correct acknowledgement. Shipping company or NVOCC will be very early (shipping company generally three or four days in advance of the cut-off order) to request the AMS information to be handed over to the exporter three or four days in advance of the information may be incorrect, so there is a cut-off order after the request of the shipping company, NOVCC to change the information of the AMS situation.What is the requirement of the AMS information?

A complete AMS includes House BL Number, Carrier Master BL No, Carrier Name, Shipper, Consignee, Notify Party, Place of Receipt, Vessel / Voyage, Port of Loading, Port of Discharge, Destination, Container Number, Seal Number, Size/ Type, No. & PKG Type, Weight, CBM, Description of Goods, Marks & Numbers. All these information are based on the content of the bill of lading provided by the exporter.

Can the real importer/exporter information be withheld?

According to U.S. Customs regulations, it is not allowed. Moreover, the Customs is very strict in checking the information of CNEE, if it is found that there is a problem with CNEE, USD1000-5000 should be prepared first. Shipping companies often ask NVOCC to put the phone fax or even the contact person of the importer/exporter into the AMS data, although the US Customs regulations do not need to provide the phone fax or contact person, but only the company name, the correct address and ZIP CODE, etc., but the detailed information requested by the shipping company will help the US Customs to contact CNEE directly and ask for the required information.

AMS data sent to the United States will get what result? AMS data is through the use of the U.S. Customs designated system sent directly to the customs database, by the U.S. Customs system automatically check and reply, generally in 5-10 minutes after sending will get the result, as long as the AMS data is sent is complete, will get ""OK"" the result, this ""OK"" means that This ticket AMS goods on the ship no problem, no ""OK"" can not be on the ship. 6 December 2003, the U.S. Customs began to require SPECIAL BILL, that is, the shipping company issued by the MASTER BILL and AMS in the MASTER BILL NO match, the two numbers are consistent with the results of the ""1Y"", the AMS side of the clearance will not be a problem, this ""OK"" result. There is no problem, this ""1Y"" only need to get before the ship to the U.S. port of call.

The significance of AMS since the implementation of AMS 24-hour declaration, combined with the subsequent introduction of supporting security provisions and ISF. make the U.S. imports of cargo information is accurate and clean, complete data, easy to track the query. Not only improve homeland security, but also greatly reduce the risk of imported goods and improve the efficiency of customs clearance.

After the United States, Mexico, Canada, the European Union, South Africa and China and other countries have followed the United States AMS, the implementation of the pre-shipment manifest declaration system, in order to effectively avoid the risk of protecting their homeland security and the interests of the people, it can be predicted that, out of security considerations, there will be more and more countries to implement this pre-shipment declaration system.

U.S. Customs may update the requirements and procedures of AMS from time to time, please refer to the latest release of U.S. Customs for details.

About the U.S. import customs clearance matters of note

The main general cargo import, that is, China to the United States to take the logistics channel is air or sea freight, or intermodal mode (non-mail channels, non-express channels).

Most of the general cargo imports are more than 2500 U.S. dollars worth of goods, for more than 2500 U.S. dollars of general cargo, the U.S. Customs requirements must be formally imported, regardless of whether the goods tariffs are 0, and the formal importation of the need for an IOR (importer of record) The IOR must have Bond, Bond is divided into two categories, one is a one-time, suitable for the importer within two times a year. One is one-time, suitable for the importer to formally import two times a year, and the other is called annual bond, suitable for importing more than two times a year. Without bond, IOR can not be cleared, the cost of bond will be determined according to the value of the imported goods and the amount of tariffs, and the cost of annual bond for general merchandise is generally between $400 and $800.

IOR can be divided into two kinds, one is the U.S. entity company, that is, the importer in the U.S., and the other is to use the Chinese shipping company to buy the bond, that is, the shipper to buy the bond, both cases can be.

The second situation is something very special in the United States, many Chinese exporters or sellers do not know, in fact, if it is a long time to do business in the United States, and the United States does not have a physical company or the United States does not have your approved partners, it is best to use the form of domestic consignor to act as a U.S. importer of imports and to buy the bond. but still need to be the United States a company that can provide a consignee as the Consignee, you also need his tax ID number, the consignee company can use a logistics company or other.

Purchase bond, the need for the company's tax ID, if the U.S. entity to provide IRS that paper can be, and the need for the company's owner's ID. if it is an overseas company that is the consignor to buy bond, you need to provide an overseas business licence, the company's legal person passport or ID card.

Then import customs clearance to the United States need to entrust the customs broker to do (in theory, IOR can own customs clearance, but if you do not necessarily particularly cost-effective, of course, the big IOR often have their own inhouse broker, which is another situation), if it is the first time to import, you need to provide POA with the customs broker, customs brokerage power of attorney, BOND information, the goods of the box, the goods of the commercial invoice, the logistics waybill (the goods), the goods of the customs broker, the goods of the customs broker. Commercial invoice, logistics waybill (airway bill or ?bill of landing), for air transport, as long as the plane takes off the U.S. side of the customs broker can do declarations, often the aircraft did not land on the completion of customs clearance, and then the customs system will be given to the customs broker instructions, release, inspection, and so on. If released, you can go to the airport to pick up the goods.

After the customs broker will give the importer a form called CBP7501, this document is very important, this is the U.S. import credentials, is issued by the U.S. Customs, which will be clear with a variety of details and charges and so on. Including tariffs, MPF, customs code of goods, value, consignee and so on.

Tariffs this part, generally small and medium-sized customers are paid to the customs broker by the customs broker to pay the customs, the United States does not exist tariffs customs broker does not give the customs situation, and do not have to worry about the customs broker to collect more tariffs (but the customs broker will charge a tariff advance fee), as long as you get the 7501 form can explain everything, once again, this form is very important. If you have a large amount of duties, you can go to U.S. Customs and open an account and deposit money in it to pay for the duties. Customs deducts the money directly from this account when duties are incurred.

There is no such thing in the United States as an opaque tariff. If you feel that customs has overcharged you, you can take the 7501 or other evidence and talk to them, or failing that, go to court, which is normal and within the power of the US importer.

Then again, because IOR is the owner of the goods, customs and customs broker only with his relationship, so why say the best shipper to buy bond is this, equal to the right of goods is still in their hands, there will not be any tug-of-war thing.

TIPS: So find any logistics company to ask a clear point, in the end who is the importer, because who is the importer, the right to goods is who, if the logistics company with you that can be all-inclusive, stay a mind to ask him in the end who is the importer, who's the importer who you'd better sign a good agreement with who to prevent the transfer of the right to goods to prevent the right to transfer to the time of ripping not clear, and who when the importer who will have to bear the burden of the U.S. importation. Importer who will have to bear all the responsibilities of the U.S. import, including tariffs, FDA, inspection and warehousing fees, U.S. port logistics costs and so on.

Customs clearance process for export to the United States

  Export goods to the United States in a variety of trade methods, some goods imported by the United States customs clearance fees and taxes paid by the consignor, in this case, the United States customs clearance will require Chinese exporters to sign a POA power of attorney before shipment, similar to China's customs clearance needs to be used in customs clearance power of attorney customs clearance there are usually two kinds of ways:

1, in the name of the U.S. consignee clearance that is, the U.S. consignee (consignee) to provide POA to the U.S. agent of the freight forwarder, but also need the U.S. consignee's Bond.

2, in the name of the consignor customs clearance that is provided by the consignor POA to the port of embarkation forwarder, forwarder and then transferred to the destination port agent, the U.S. agent to help the consignor in the U.S. for the importer's Customs registration number, while the need for the consignor to buy Bond.


1, the above two ways of customs clearance, no matter which one is used, must be used in the United States consignee's tax ID (Tax ID, also known as IRS No.) to clear the customs, IRS No. (The Internal Revenue Service No.) is the United States consignee in the U.S. Internal Revenue Service registered in the U.S. a tax identification number.

2. In the U.S., you can't clear customs without a Bond, and you can't clear customs without a tax ID number.

"In the cost of shipping, in addition to shipping costs, a series of costs about the "box" also occupies a small proportion, can not be underestimated. What are the costs around the "box"?

Unloading Charges

When the box comes into the harbour, the terminal is not yet open for collection and it cannot enter the harbour. The fleet can't keep the container on the truck, there are other containers to be hauled, so they will find a place to drop the container, and then haul it in again when the port opens. This will result in a drop charge.

Advance Delivery Charge

  Usually under special circumstances, you need to pick up the box before the normal date in order to get the box number and fill in the manifest or other information. The fee incurred at this time is called a pre-delivery charge.

Difference with drop box

1. Scope of use:

Advance Lift-Off Charge is usually used for cargoes going out to the U.S. line.

Drop box fee is a cost incurred in the export.

2. Reason for action:

The reason for the pre-ticketing fee is because there is AMS (Anti-Monitoring Surcharge), subject to the AMS deadline, the loading work may be just after the AMS deadline, but AMS needs to provide the box number when it sends the manifest. So in this case the box has to be picked up first and put in the yard.

Drop off fee is when the container is about to enter the port, due to some reasons of the port or the shipping company, the port has not started to collect the container, and the port has not yet opened. The fleet will find a place to drop the box, and then drag it in when the port opens.

3. Costs to bear:

Advance pick-up fee: the guest.

Drop box fee: If it is the reason of the fleet, the fleet will bear the cost itself, if the guest problem, it should be charged to the guest.


In order to accelerate the circulation of containers and avoid backlogs, shipping companies set a free use period for containers. Within this period, the goods can occupy the container free of charge; beyond the period, the goods need to pay a fixed fee for occupying the container, which is "demurrage".  The demurrage charge is calculated on a daily basis. For export, it is usually 7 days. For import, demurrage is often incurred, and the container can be used free of charge within a few days after the ship docks (e.g. 10 days), but will be charged if it exceeds the stipulated time. Therefore, after the ship arrives at the port, we must complete the import customs clearance and arrange the pickup in time, and return the empty boxes to the place designated by the shipping company in time, and the free use of special boxes is shorter. Of course, different shipping companies have different regulations, the specific number of days to ask the shipping company. If it is the customer's SOC box, there is no demurrage charge.

Pre-entry Fee

After loading, the container of the vessel has not yet opened to the port, and the terminal is not allowed to enter the port. Charges incurred for early port entry when permission is applied for.

When the opening day is not yet arrived, and you are anxious to finish the operation in advance, how to choose between pre-entry fee and drop-off fee?

Depending on the fleet, each fleet has different charges and the charges will be higher during the peak season. Pre-entry is generally more fixed, and certainly cheaper than drop box, but not all ports can be pre-entry. From the safety point of view, it is also preferred to choose the pre-entry port, which can avoid the unexpected events on the next day, and the safety is high.

Dumping Fee  

The cost of moving containers. Reversal fee is usually due to the change of vessel. Generally the position of the container on the ship is planned, once the ship change occurs, the reversal of the box is inevitable. For example, in the process of maritime transport, the various sea areas on the ship's tonnage and route is a requirement. Some ships are not suitable for certain sea areas or do not take a certain route, or take a certain route is not economical enough, it will lead to the goods changed to other ships.

In addition, there are:

1. The lifting fee is the fee for raising the container from the yard to the customs to go through the machine to check the cargo.

2. Loading fee is the cost of carrying the container to the container truck when the goods need to be transported after customs clearance.

3. back to the empty fee is imported goods pulled to the factory after unloading containers need to run back to the cost of empty containers, exports and vice versa. In export freight, if the factory or freight forwarder has been lifted out of the box from the yard, but for some reason (such as goods can not catch up), and finally did not box, resulting in the return of empty containers, the shipping company will charge a certain amount of money to the factory, the cost of the trailer is generally 80% of the cost. This fee is called "empty fee" or "return fee".

4. Empty the box fee is the customs or commercial inspection of goods need to open the box and then forklift to fork out the goods when the inspection fees.

5. The charge is when the box is later than the specified cut-off time into the designated terminal or yard, in order to catch up with the water ship, and the yard is just willing to accept the goods in the case of delayed entry of the container charges ......  There are many more fees regarding the boxes, and if one is not careful, additional fees will be incurred. In any case, in order to get the boxes on board smoothly, avoid extra charges being incurred and avoid greater cost losses, we need to find out what these charges are and make a good judgement in advance!"

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