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What is AEO?

AEO stands for Authorised Economic Operator, which is a system advocated by the World Customs Organisation (WCO) to certify enterprises with high credit status, law-abidingness and level of compliance, and to give preferential customs clearance facilities to the certified enterprises.

In China, the advanced certified enterprises are AEO of China Customs, and the advanced certified enterprises not only apply the convenient management measures of customs in China, but also enjoy the customs clearance facilitation measures of the countries (regions) that are mutually recognised by AEO.


What is AEO Mutual Recognition?

The World Customs Organisation (WCO) adopted the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (hereinafter referred to as the Framework of Standards) in 2005, and the core system in the Framework of Standards is the AEO system, in which a number of countries (regions) around the world participate. After the countries (regions) concerned have signed the mutual recognition agreement, their AEO enterprises can enjoy facilitation treatment when clearing customs, which can effectively reduce the trade costs of enterprises in ports, insurance, logistics, etc. and enhance their international competitiveness.

As mentioned before, the advanced certification enterprise is China Customs AEO, AEO in different countries (regions) have exclusive names, such as:


"STP-Plus Enterprise"

South Korea

"Excellent Enterprise in Import and Export Security Management"

Hong Kong, China

"Hong Kong Recognised Economic Operator".

European Union (EU)

"AEOS Certified Enterprise" and "AEOC/AEOS Certified Enterprise".

New Zealand

Member of the "Secure Export Scheme".


"AEO Type III enterprise".


What are the specific facilitation measures?

After the implementation of AEO mutual recognition co-operation in each country (region), the relevant facilitation measures for mutual recognition enterprises are subject to the announcement, and the contents are not exactly the same. Summarise China Customs and other countries (regions) AEO mutual recognition measures, the contents generally include:

01 apply a lower rate of documentary audit;

02Applying a lower rate of inspection of imported goods;

03Giving priority inspection to goods that require physical inspection;

04 Designation of a customs liaison officer responsible for communicating and dealing with problems encountered by AEO enterprises in customs clearance;

05Priority customs clearance after international trade interruption (international trade interruption due to increased security alert level, border closure, natural disasters, dangerous emergencies or other major accidents, etc.) is resumed.


What are the countries (regions) that have achieved mutual recognition of AEO with China?

Since the implementation of the AEO system in 2008, China Customs has been vigorously promoting the international mutual recognition of AEOs, striving to enhance the level of customs clearance facilitation for Chinese enterprises at home and abroad, reduce the cost of customs clearance for enterprises and enhance their competitiveness in the international market.

Up to now, China Customs has signed AEO mutual recognition agreements with 52 countries (regions) of 26 economies, including Singapore and the European Union, among which the number of "Belt and Road" countries has increased to 35, and the number of mutual recognition agreements signed and the number of mutually recognised countries (regions) ranked the "double first" in the world. The number of mutual recognition agreements signed and the number of mutual recognition countries (regions) ranked "double first" in the world.

Specific list

Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, EU member states (27), UK, Switzerland, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Belarus, Chile, Australia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uruguay, UAE, Serbia, Uganda, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, Russia, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Macao, Costa Rica.


How can AEO enterprises enjoy the customs clearance facilitation measures brought about by the mutual recognition of AEO between China Customs and other countries (regions) in a timely manner?

If the overseas consignee or consignor is an AEO enterprise of a country (region) that has been mutually recognised by China Customs, the relevant domestic enterprises need to enter the "Consignee AEO Enterprise Code", "Consignor AEO Enterprise Code" and "Consignor AEO Enterprise Code" into the "Original Manifest Data" or "Pre-assembled Manifest Data" columns of the water and air cargo manifests. "column and the People's Republic of China Customs declaration of imported (exported) goods" "overseas consignee or consignor" column to fill in the overseas consignee or consignor of the AEO enterprise code. After confirming the identity of overseas AEO enterprises, China Customs will give relevant facilitation measures.

When importing or exporting goods to countries (regions) that have been mutually recognised by the Chinese Customs AEO enterprises, they generally need to notify the AEO enterprise code to the importers or exporters of the countries (regions) that have been mutually recognised (subject to the announcement), and fill in the declaration in accordance with the regulations, and the Customs authorities of the countries (regions) that have been mutually recognised will give relevant facilitation measures after confirming the identity of the Chinese Customs AEO enterprises.

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