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"Customs inspection refers to the administrative and law-enforcement behaviour of the Customs Service, which, after accepting the declaration of a customs declaration unit, carries out an actual inspection of the goods in accordance with the law in order to ascertain whether the nature, origin, condition, quantity and value of the inbound and outbound goods are in accordance with the details that have already been entered in the declaration of the goods. Inspection is a kind of lawful administrative power given by the state to the Customs, and it is also an essential and important link in the process of customs clearance.

Customs inspection will generate some additional costs, but these costs are not charged by the Customs, but the terminal charges for lifting fees, dismantling fees and other costs, because it is the Customs inspection to have this cost, so the terminal generally call these costs Customs inspection fees, the terminal will issue a formal invoice.

So these charges are paid by SHIPPER. Generally there will be an inspection notice before the customs inspection, and there will be an inspection report after the inspection is completed.

Inspection is an important means of customs supervision, customs declaration is just a procedure, the customs will be based on their own experience, the policy at the time of some sensitive names for random inspection, of course, sometimes there will be no reason for random inspection. Inspection will open the box to see, with the declaration of the information is consistent, name, quantity, declared value and other information, whether there is tax fraud, escape commodity inspection, HS code classification is not correct. Customs inspection is not charged, but because the inspection is carried out in the port area, the port area is responsible for unpacking, loading and unloading, sealing, etc., so you have to pay money to the port area, which is also a national regulation.

Customs inspection process

1. Customs to determine the inspection, by the site to receive orders from the customs officer to print the "inspection notice", if necessary, the production of inspection seals handed over to the customs broker.

2. Arrangement of inspection plan. Acceptance of customs inspection by the site acceptance of the post to arrange for inspection of the specific time, generally the same day to arrange for the next day's inspection programme.

3. Customs inspection of goods, the consignee of imported goods, the consignor of exported goods or its authorised customs broker should be present, and is responsible for assisting in the removal of goods, open and reseal the packaging of goods. Customs deems it necessary, you can go through the inspection, re-inspection or extraction of samples.

4. After the end of the inspection, accompanied by a person in the "inspection record sheet" on the signature, confirmation.

Customs inspection of the way a thorough inspection, both on the goods piece by piece open box (package) inspection, the goods species, specifications, quantity, weight, origin of goods, such as the status of goods one by one with the goods declaration form a detailed check. Second, random inspection, that is, according to a certain percentage of goods selectively open the box for random inspection, must be unloaded. Degree of unloading and opening (package) ratio to be able to determine the name of the goods, specifications, quantity, weight and other requirements of the inspection instructions prevail. Third, the appearance of the test, the goods of packaging, marking, trademarks and other verification. Appearance inspection can only be applied to large machines, bulk raw materials, etc. are not easy to handle, move. In addition, the Customs and Excise Department also make full use of scientific and technological means with the inspection, such as weighbridge and X-ray machines and other inspection facilities and equipment. Customs inspection department since the acceptance of inspection, to the end of the implementation of inspection, feedback inspection results shall not exceed 48 hours at most, the export of goods should be released within half a working day after the completion of inspection. In the process of inspection, found to be suspected of going violations and other things, not subject to this time limit.

Customs inspection purpose and location

The purpose of customs inspection, first, through the verification of the actual import and export goods and customs declaration documents to verify the declaration of the contents of the declaration of the link with the inspection of the single, whether the goods are consistent, through the actual inspection to find the declaration of the single link can not be found in the declaration of the smuggling of irregularities such as concealment, false declarations and false declarations or other import and export issues. Secondly, through the inspection can verify the declaration of the doubts raised in the single link, for tax collection, statistics and follow-up management to provide a reliable regulatory basis.

Customs inspection is generally carried out at import and export port terminals, stations, airports, post offices or other supervisory places of the Customs within the Customs supervisory area. For the import and export of bulk cargoes, dangerous goods, live and fresh commodities, and goods transported by barge, upon the application of the import and export consignee or consignor, the Customs can also be inspected and released at the operation site. In special circumstances, the import and export consignee or consignor or his agent application, Customs examination and approval, may also be sent to the specified time and place outside the factory, warehouse or construction site to check the goods.

Customs inspection of goods generally have several directions to check, so the common problems of inspection errors generally have:

A. Check the name of the product

Here is relatively easy to make a mistake is the product name and common name is easy to get it wrong, and then it is the English word more than one meaning of the Chinese translation of the name and the actual name of the product sometimes do not match.

B. Check the specifications

Easy to get it wrong is that some factory customers to the carton packaging specifications played up, there are many kinds of specifications, respectively, need a maximum of a minimum, and then there are a number of irregularities in the length of the product specifications there are two, one above the length of a length, a length of the following.

C. Check the quantity

Is the total number, easy to make a mistake are underreporting more than out, especially the tax rebate, here is often the reason for the error is the customs declaration information is done in advance, do cabinet loading when the data has changed forget to update over.

D. Check the weight

There are two places where the weight is more likely to be wrong.

The first is that the gross weight and net weight of bulk goods and the actual weight up and down more than 3% -5%.

The second is the weight of the product only know the gross weight but the net weight is calculated, many customers have a gross weight by gross weight minus the net weight divided by the number of pieces of not more than 1 or 2 kg of this formula to push back the net weight, resulting in the actual net weight does not comply with, I have experienced a funny customer with this method of calculating the net weight of the error, the final inspection when the Customs and Excise Department did not have to open the box weighing to determine that there is a problem, the reason for it! Customers customised cartons above each have box mark, box mark above the gross weight and net weight of a single room, and the weight of the customs declaration is completely wrong, this is too sloppy, it is estimated that the carton is done in advance.

E. Check the number of pieces

More prone to error is the end of the box and samples and complimentary things are not calculated into, once a customer out of a cabinet of their own production of goods, loaded at the time of loading the cabinet door loaded to help foreign customers loaded in China to buy 4,5 boxes of other factory products, the total number of pieces did not sum up.

F. Check the mark

Some products have mark, some do not, some mark will reflect some products, logo information, if there must be reflected in the customs declaration.

G. Check whether the infringement

This everyone understands, brand-name, imitation brand, label, hangtag, R logo, Logo attention to distinguish between.

H. Check the end of production

Is the place of origin, some factories will be in the packaging is to disclose some of the product's place of origin information or advertising information, especially three-way trade is prone to errors in the origin information or destination information, especially to Russia's three-way trade, Singaporean companies to buy goods from China to sell to the supplier is not clear to the buyers in Russia, the origin information randomly do not get it wrong, or not clear customs.

I. Check categorisation

Check whether the customs code is accurate, more prone to error is a multi-functional product classification should be accurate, for example, with the call function of the tablet PC should be classified as mobile phones rather than tablet PCs.

G. Check the old and new

A lot of old things can not be exported, it is easy to make a mistake is the flat cabinet to open the top of the cabinet of the machine in the open air in the rain is easy for people to misjudge the old, there is also a lot of things are moving immigrant cabinets are old.

K. Check the price

Customs import and export of each of the goods corresponding to the code in the customs system has a price range, the range generally have two, one is the local export port price range, a nationwide price limit range, especially when the import of the price of the audit is particularly stringent, the export of the time is relatively okay.

L. Sampling for inspection

This is relatively rare, generally through the naked eye can not judge the need to test chemicals ah and other products.

M. Check the body

Hong Kong and China transport time to check the consignment of container trucks.

N.Check the box

Check the container, basically no careful inspection, can not find out what the problem is, generally is a special cabinet when carefully checked.

O. Whether the entrapment is whether the entrapment of some of the factory did not produce or underreported things, this I have seen more, what bacon and sausage ah, brand-name TV ah, books ah, electric bicycles ah countless."

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