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"Free storage: free of cabin hire (free of cabin hire for the return of the container during the opening of the cabin).


Full in/Laden in: Return of heavy lift container.


LATE COME: Customer's application to our company for delaying the return of the heavy lift container/invoicing time/release note.


Loading list: Loading list


LOI: Letter of Identification, Letter of Guarantee


OB/L: Original Bill, original bill of lading


POD: Port of Discharge, also called port of destination.


POL: Port of Loading port of departure, also called loading port.


POR: Port of Receipt - generally refers to other ports that are not direct ports of call for large ships.


S/I: Shipping Instruction - replenishment


S/O: Shipping Order - Booking Number


SWB: Seaway Bill, sea waybill


T/R: Tele-Release, electric release


Truck: Trailer (container truck)


Customs Declaration: Customs declaration.


CY CLOSING: The time when a large ship stops returning its cargo, also known as the cut-off time, refers to the time when a heavy container stops being returned to the yard.


CY OPEN: Commonly known as the opening of the cabin, that is, the ship began to collect cargo, free of cabin hire, cargo declaration of the beginning of the time. It is calculated from the zero point of the opening date.


CY: Container Yard.


Customs release script cut off: Cut off time for submitting release script to our company.


Customs declaration information cut off: cut off time to enter declaration information to shipping agent.


D.G.: Dangerous goods Dangerous goods


Depot: Outside yard, the place designated by our company where the container can be picked up.


EIR: equipment interchange receipt Equipment Interchange Receipt (commonly known as: exchange sheet paper / heavy container paper)


Empty(MTY) Out: Empty container (empty container) out.


Empty(MTY) Return: Empty container back to the yard.


Equipment Free time: Free of container rent (we are free of container rent for three days from the day of picking up the container, not hourly system) 


ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival - 預計到港時間


ETD: Estimated Time of Departure - Estimated Time of Departure


F/D: Final Destination destination, i.e. the place where the goods finally arrive.


Feeder vessel/Barge: Barge



Customs Clearance

a) Customs-clearance or declaration at the customs ("declaration": noun)


b) apply(申请) to(向)the customs. Declare at the customs (the verb "to declare" above)


c) also: clearance of goods or entry can also mean "to declare at customs" (n.) (clear the goods from customs: declare goods at customs) 


d) "customs declaration": bill of entry or application to pass goods through customs or customs debenture or customs declaration or entry (one word) or report


e) customs clearing fee: customs clearing fee


f)Customs broker or customs house broker


g) Customs broker: customs agent


h)Port of entry: port of entry


i)Customs document: entry

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