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With the advantages of high energy density and high voltage, lithium batteries are widely used in energy storage power systems such as hydro, thermal, wind and solar power stations, as well as in a variety of fields such as power tools, electric bicycles, electric motorbikes, electric vehicles, military equipment, aerospace and so on. Lithium batteries are of great significance in promoting the green transformation of energy and achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. China is a large producer and exporter of lithium batteries, and the export volume has increased significantly in recent years. However, lithium battery belongs to dangerous goods, and fire, smoke and explosion may occur during transport, and its transport safety must be taken seriously. How to make lithium batteries to meet the requirements of international norms at the same time, to achieve a more "safe" export, follow us to understand the requirements of lithium battery exports.

Classification of lithium battery:

Conventional lithium batteries are mainly of three types, including lithium metal batteries, lithium-ion batteries, batteries containing both lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries. The classification of lithium battery transport classification system in the UN Model Regulations on the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) is as follows:

Declaration requirements:

The UN Model Regulations on the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG), International Maritime Organisation's International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), International Code for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), International Civil Aviation Organisation Dangerous Goods Rules (IATA-DGR), UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations Model Tests and Criteria Manual" and other relevant international hazardous regulations.

At present, the export of lithium battery products do not need to implement the export commodity inspection, but lithium battery products are dangerous goods, in accordance with "Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China," Article 17, "Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China Implementing Regulations," Article 29, export of lithium battery manufacturers, should apply to the Customs and Excise Department for the use of identification of dangerous goods packaging containers, the use of non-appraised or appraised by the identification of unqualified dangerous goods. The use of unqualified or unqualified packaging containers of dangerous goods, are not allowed to export. Application materials include:

01 "Packaging Inspection of Entry-Exit Goods Application Form" (original)

02 "entry-exit goods packaging performance test results" (original)

03 "Manufacturer factory inspection of qualified records or product compliance statement" (original)

04 "export of dangerous goods hazardous characteristics of classification and identification report" (original)

05 "Export Dangerous Goods Sales Contract" (copy)

Customs on-site handling process is:

Customs inspection after passing the issue of "outbound dangerous goods transport packaging use identification results", the enterprise to get this single can be applied to the dangerous goods transport department for dangerous goods transport space.

Due to the many types of lithium batteries, before exporting the enterprise should be clear about the dangerous category, UN No., packaging category. Use of dangerous goods packaging with "the entry and exit of goods packaging performance inspection results sheet" packed, and self-tested and qualified to apply to the Customs for the use of identification.

Lithium battery packaging requirements:

According to the "Model Regulations on the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" (TDG), lithium batteries are mainly subject to the following packaging requirements for transport:

1. Unless installed in equipment (e.g. installed in mobile phones, cameras, walkie-talkies, laptops, etc.), the batteries and primary batteries must be packed separately to prevent short-circuiting and in a strong outer package.

2. Unless installed in equipment, the package shall be able to withstand a drop test of 1.2m in any orientation without damaging the batteries or primary batteries in the package and without changing the position of the batteries therein to such an extent that the batteries are in contact with the batteries (or the primary batteries are in contact with the primary batteries), and no batteries are leaking out of the package.

3. In addition to meet the exemption conditions, lithium batteries as dangerous goods, the transport must be used in accordance with the requirements of Class II dangerous goods packaging packaging.

4. The package needs to be posted on the lithium battery labels and markings, lithium-ion battery shell needs to be marked Wh value.

5. The battery should have an anti-short-circuit device, as well as measures to prevent accidental start-up, and the product should be fixed in the package so as to avoid short-circuit caused by the movement of the battery.


As lithium battery exports involve more policies, regulations and technical requirements for packaging of goods, enterprises can consult the relevant departments of the Customs and Excise Department in advance to understand the regulations and standards, declaration process, packaging requirements. Customs will guide enterprises to handle the export of dangerous goods, improve customs clearance efficiency, and help more high-quality, China-made new energy products export.

Please indicate the source of "Customs Release".

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