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"(1) corporate users log on to the China International Trade Single Window Portal www.singlewindow.cn, as shown below: Click [Standard Application] - [Goods Declaration] - [Customs Brokerage Entrustment] to enter, not logged in need to insert the China Electronic Port IC card to log on to the system.

(2) Click on the left menu [Entrustment Relationship Change Management] - [Entrustment Relationship Change], the consignee or consignor initiates the change: enter the full name of the customs broker in "Entrusted Party's Enterprise Name", and click on Query; the customs broker initiates the change: enter the full name of the consignor or consignee in "Entrusted Party's Enterprise Name", and click on Query. If the change is initiated by the customs declaration enterprise, enter the full name of the consignor or consignee in "Name of Entrusted Party Enterprise" and click Query.

(3) Click the left menu [Entrusted Relationship Change], tick the enterprises that need to be changed in the Entrusted Relationship Change interface, and click Initiate Change after ticking.

(4) In the interface of initiating changes, if you need to entrust auxiliary inspection, please tick the option of auxiliary inspection, set the content to be changed and click on initiating changes.

(5) Click [To Confirm Change of Power of Attorney Query], tick the enterprises to confirm the change of information in the interface of the query of power of attorney to be confirmed, and click Change Details.

(6) Check whether the relevant proxy content is ticked in the interface of the query for confirmation of change of power of attorney, and after checking that the change information is correct, click Accept Change.

(7) You can check the entrustment change records in [entrustment change record enquiry]."

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