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"◆execute a contract execute/carry out/fulfill a contract

◆ bring a contract into effect

◆ break/cancel a contract

◆ honor the contract and keep one's words

◆ repeat the contract

◆ to carry out the contract smoothly

◆ fax somebody for offers

◆ style design

◆ Guangzhou Fair

◆ exhibit

◆a great variety of goods on display

◆ silk garments

◆ exhibits stand

◆ sell fast

◆ enjoy a high reputation enjoy a high reputation

◆ command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales

◆ quote the lowest price CIF Lagos

◆ be in the line of textiles for many years

◆ the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers

◆ The market take a change for the worse

◆ leather garments

◆ glassware

on the basis of equality and mutual benefits

◆重合同守信用 honor/observe/respect/abide by/keep to/stick to the contract and keep/fulfill/ carry out one's promise; stand by what one says

◆ fair play

◆ commercial integrity

◆ speak highly of

◆ make one's acquaintance with ......

◆be in the line of ... product

◆ essential articles

◆ tax duty

◆take up/adopt new foreign trade policy

◆ follow/observe the general international practices ◆ payment by installments

◆ payment by installments

◆ an enterprise exclusively with foreign capital ◆ compensation trade

◆ foreign loans foreign loans

◆ progress rapidly

◆ remain unchanged

◆ marketing market

◆ have every reason to believe in ... ◆ advanced technology and equipment advanced technology and equipment

◆ advanced technology and equipment advanced technology and equipment

◆ flexible policy

◆have something on one's mind

◆ economic slackness

◆ delay in shipment

◆ listen to reason

◆ rough handling

◆ stand to reason

◆ be contrary/against to reason

◆ fall within the scope of your business

◆ packing paper

◆ plastic bag polybag /polythene bag

◆processing with supplied materials

◆ Processing with imported materials

◆ processing with supplied sample

◆ assembling with supplied parts

◆ leasing trade

◆ joint venture

◆ open an L/C

◆ come to terms with somebody

◆ inquire about terms

◆ bring somebody to terms

◆ pursue an open-door policy

◆ always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits

◆ balance in easy payments spread out in ...years

◆ Machine tools machine tools

◆ Specialize in

◆ demand exceeds supply

◆ demand exceeds supply supply exceeds demand

◆ service is the first motto

◆ sample and specification

◆Sample and specification to meet your requirements

◆ to make an counteroffer./counter bid

◆ arts and crafts

◆ sharp/fierce competition

◆ the quality and finish

◆ make the delivery

◆ set a firm footing in... ◆ the colour is too exaggerated

◆ the colour is too high-sounding

◆ be booked out

◆ punctual shipment

◆ be out of stock

◆ Butterfly sewing machine

◆ harsh payment terms

◆ no goods available

◆ best selling articles

◆ lowest quotation CIFC2%,San Francisco

◆ shipping documents

◆ firm offer

◆ in case of short supply in case of short supply

◆ offer valid for 15 days the offer will remain firm/valid/good/ for 15 days

◆ insurance premium

◆ freight charge

◆ black tea

◆ be sold out

◆ black tea ◆ be sold out ◆ the tea crop has sharply decreased

◆ the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days

◆ The offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days

◆ Tiger Head Brand playing cards

◆ Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.

Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand ◆ Increase the tea supply by 300 cases

◆ can not afford to

Our quotation is roughly as follows: Fifty metric tons of walnutmeat at RMB ¥ 2,500 per metric ton CIF European Main Port, including your commission of 2%, for shipment in October. Our quotation is roughly as follows: Fifty metric tons of walnutmeat at RMB ¥ 2,500 per metric ton CIF European Main Port including your commission of 2% for shipment in October.

◆ Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle

◆ be subject to one's final confirmation

◆Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle be subject to one's final confirmation

◆ Golden Lion folded chairs

The Mediterranean market

◆ To place a trial order

◆ sound pushy

◆ make haste

◆ Our record has it that... ◆ Genoa

◆ Genoa

◆ Marseilles

◆ Antwerp

Antwerp ◆ Hamburg? Antwerp ◆ Hamburg

◆ Copenhagen

◆ be subject to your immediate acceptance

◆ expiry date

◆ printed cotton pieces

◆ products of the same range

◆ supply from stock

◆ supply from stock prompt shipment

◆user friendly

◆ To improve efficiency and reliability

◆ Better quality deserves higher price.

Better quality deserves higher price.

◆can not be comparable with/cannot compete with ......

◆ high-tech

◆ final bid

◆ It's quite a bargain.

◆ to expedite shipment

◆ be worth promoting

◆ under-quote you

◆ accept/book/enter an order

◆ place an order

◆ repeat an order

◆ cancel the order

◆ refuse/decline/turn down an order

◆ Wool

◆ cannot entertain your offer

◆ to obtain quotation from other sources

◆ goods of Japanese make

◆goods of Japanese make give much value of the money

◆put onto the market

◆ cut down/shade the price by 6 per cent

◆ to comply with sb.

◆ bottom price/rock bottom price

◆ cost price

◆ market price

◆ be out of line with the market level be out of line with the market level

◆ price (the price) go up/increase/rise/advance

◆ the price (the price) come down/drop/fall/decline

◆ the price come down/drop/fall/decline ◆ be on the high side

◆ raise raise/improve/lift

◆ reduce cut down/reduce/bring down

◆ cannot go any further

cannot go any further ◆ to come to terms with you/to to come to terms with you/to come to business/transaction with you on the following terms/ to close business at the price of/to close a deal with your offer/ to conclude business/ to enter into business/ to close a deal with your offer to conclude business/ to enter into business with you/ to see/pull the business through

◆The price is on the high side

◆ The price is out of line with the ruling market

◆ The price is 30% higher than that of Japanese goods

You must be aware of the fact that... ◆ You cannot be unaware of the fact that... ◆ The price is out of line with the ruling market.

You cannot be ignorant of the fact that... ◆ (lose a lot of money)

◆ (We lose by...) not to speak of profit

◆ soar up

◆ come straight to the point

stand no chance

◆ to pull the transaction through

◆ to meet each other half way

◆ joint effort

to speak out one's mind ◆ by all means

◆ by all means

◆ be out of question

◆ be out of the question/by no means

◆ indication of price

◆ The gap is too wide

◆ get away from the point

◆ direct steamer

◆ direct steamer ◆ transshipment

◆ compensation trade

◆ commission

◆go against the usual commercial practice

◆ commission agent

◆ strenuous efforts

◆ to extend one's accommodation

◆ deduce from the value of the consignment

◆ to remit commission

◆ keen price

◆ profit margin

◆ be under offer

best sellers

◆ make concession

◆ to push the sale of

◆ specialize in this line

◆ firm market with an upward tendency

◆ to deal with on principal-to-principal basis

◆ agent house

◆ small profits make quick sales

◆ be never satisfied/ be so insatiable

◆ go too far off the point

◆ commission rate

◆ operating cost

◆ make a compromise

◆ grant commission

◆ promote the sales

◆ in a nutshell

◆ a crowd of inquiries

◆ approach the manufacturers for an additional order

◆ net price

◆ net price turnover

◆ to ...... be without engagement

◆ mode of payment

◆ Document against Payment (Document against Acceptance) ◆ Letter of Credit L/C (Document of Credit)

◆ Letter of Credit (L/C)

L/C (Letter of Credit) ◆ credit standing

◆ confirmed irrevocable L/C

◆ beyond our power

◆ the other way round

◆ have no alternative other than/but

◆ improper packing

◆ spare parts spare parts

◆ be put to no end of expense

◆ payment by L/C available against draft at sight

◆the manufacturers are heavily committed

◆ arrive at a complete agreement/come to an agreement/conclude an agreement/ enter into an agreement/ reach an agreement/ make an agreement

◆ turn out satisfactory

◆be well acquainted with ...... be well acquainted with

◆ in this respect

◆ accommodate, take care of accommodate

◆ under rare circumstances

◆ ...... it doesn't pay for

◆ make an exception

◆ one thing at a time

◆ forward letter of credit time L/C

◆ involve great expenses

◆ do a special favour

◆ to fulfil one's obligation

◆ to cancel the contract

◆ be out of favour with the customers

◆ (order) heavy commitments

◆ rate of foreign exchange

◆ be superior beyond comparison

◆ to run a factory to run a factory

◆ covering

◆ bank charges as well as deposit

◆ to get the goods ready

◆ book the shipping space

◆ to effect shipment

◆ rest assured

◆ and what not

◆ Pledge tie up one's capital

◆ to issue an L/C to open an L/C

◆ to open an L/C

◆ presentation of shipping documents and negotiation

◆preparation of shipping documents and negotiation ◆certainly, must without fail

◆ to extend for 20 days to extend for 20 days

◆ shipment per sample

◆ partial shipment and transshipment allowed

◆ The credit is short-established to the amount of $ 5000

◆ afford to buy

◆ to postpone the shipmen t

◆ to exert oneself

◆ set about making shipment of goods

◆ set about making delivery

◆ be within validity

◆ to withdraw the offer

◆ financial status financial status

◆ shipping advice

◆ shipping instruction

◆ pass over the rail

◆ to tell you once and for all

◆ one lives to learn

◆ to charter a ship? to charter a ship

◆ to bear charges to

◆ to discharge/fulfill responsibilities

◆ loading port

◆ custom duty

◆ contract number

◆ layman

◆ or rather

◆ the goods on the hook

◆ to sell off the stock

◆ custom formalities

◆ lose out

◆ be in strict rotation

◆ to advance shipment

◆ to ensure punctual shipment

◆ volume of trade

◆(工人) work three shifts

◆ back orders to back out orders

◆ to back out

◆ busy season

◆ busy season high season

◆ slack season

◆ shopping season

◆ be in season

◆ be in season ◆ be out of season

◆ wooden case

◆ cardboard box

◆ custom quota

custom clearance

custom officer

◆ arrange shipment

◆ expedite shipment expedite shipment

◆ extend shipment

◆ advance shipment

advance shipment ◆ delay shipment postpone shipment

◆ futures future

"Different countries have different requirements and regulations for importing and exporting goods, and we must understand the details of each country's import and export in order to avoid problems at critical times. What are the regulations to pay attention to? The customs requirements of all countries in the world are here, pay attention to them!

Countries that need to declare AMS

USA, Canada, Mexico, Philippines

(The United States need to declare ISF regulations must be provided to the U.S. Customs 48 hours before sailing, otherwise there will be a fine of USD5000, AMS fee of USD25/ticket, modify the words of USD40/ticket). . Since 1 July 2016, all goods imported to the Philippines must declare AMS in advance, the Philippines, in addition to the original EBS, CIC will be an additional AMS surcharge, the goods to the Philippines require advance declaration of AMS.

Countries that need to declare ENS

All EU member countries, ENS fee is 25-35 USD/ticket.

Countries that require fumigation and disinfection for wooden packaging

Australia, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Israel, Brazil, Chile, Panama.

Countries that need to do certificate of origin

Cambodia, Canada, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

Customs regulations of each country


The final consignee must have the right to receive import and export, otherwise it can not be imported for customs clearance.

2、Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

All goods imported into Saudi Arabia must be shipped on pallets and packages need to be printed on the origin and mark. And since 25 February 2009, all arriving goods in violation of the provisions of the pallet shipment will be subject to penalties, which will be borne by the guests themselves.

3、Bahrain West

a, only accept a full set of three original bills of lading can not be modified, the bill of lading must show the amount of freight (only the use of U.S. dollars or euros), do not accept "TOORDER" bill of lading, the bill of lading to show the consignee's contact information (phone, address);

b. CNPJ number of the consignee must be shown on the bill of lading (the consignee must be a registered company), and the consignee must be a registered company in the destination customs;

c, can not be paid, can not be more money in the port of destination, wooden packaging to be fumigated, so the LCL offer is the need to pay more attention.


a. To declare AMS bill of lading, need to show the commodity code, and need to provide AMS information and packing list invoice;

b. Notify to show the third party notifier, usually the freight forwarding company or the agent of CONSIGNEE;

c. Show the real consignor and real consignee;

d, the name of the product can not show the general name, to show the detailed name of the goods;

e, the number of pieces: the requirement to show the detailed number of pieces, for example: 1PALLET inside 50 boxes of goods;

f, bill of lading to show the origin of the goods.

5, Chi ? Chile

Chile does not accept electric discharge bill of lading, wooden packaging to be fumigated.

6, Panama

a. Do not accept electric discharge bill of lading, wooden packaging to be fumigated, to provide packing lists and invoices;

b. Transit through the Colon Free Trade Zone, to Panama's goods, must be able to overlap stacking and forklift operations, the weight of a single piece can not exceed 2000KGS.


The bill of lading must show the amount of freight (in US dollars or euros).

8、India India

Regardless of FOB or CIF conditions, regardless of whether the bill of lading "TOORDER OF SHIPPER" "(indication of bill of lading), regardless of whether the bill of lading in your hands, India may not be paid and the technology is legal, in the import declaration of the BILL OFENTRY (import declaration of manifests) and IGM (import cargo manifests) as long as it shows the name of the Indian customer, you have lost the right to goods. In the import declaration BILL OFENTRY (import declaration manifest) and IGM (import cargo manifest) as long as the display of the Indian customer's name, you have lost the right to goods, regardless of whether the bill of lading in your hands, so be sure to as far as possible 100% prepaid.

9, Russia

a, the guest payment must be timely, or the two sides are long-term cooperation, otherwise it is recommended that the first payment! Or to prepay more than 75%;

b. After the goods arrive at the port, we must urge the guests to pay and urge the guests to pick up the goods! Otherwise, after the arrival of the goods, no one to pick up the goods by the Customs black out of the goods, or you have to pay exorbitant fees at the same time the guests through the relationship can be engaged in the release of goods without a single, this market is sometimes reasonable can not be said;

c, in view of the Russian style of procrastination, must remember, whether it is prepaid, or pick up, or back to the end of the money, are to urge.

10, Kenya

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) commenced on 29 September 2015 a pre-export standards compliance verification scheme. As a result, PVOC, a form of pre-shipment verification, has been used since 2005.Products in the PVOC catalogue must obtain a Conformity (CoC) before shipment.The CoC is a mandatory Kenyan Customs Clearance document, without which goods will be refused entry on arrival at Kenyan ports.

11, E ? and

a, the Commodity Inspection Bureau to implement pre-shipment inspection and supervision of loading;

b, regardless of whether the statutory requirements of the commodity inspection, the customer is required to provide a replacement voucher or voucher, the official declaration of inspection power of attorney, packing list, invoice, contract;

c, with the exchange of vouchers (single) to the Commodity Inspection Bureau for customs clearance (statutory inspection can be obtained in advance of the customs clearance), and then with the Commodity Inspection Bureau of the commodity inspection staff to make an appointment at a specific time to the warehouse to supervise the loading. (Appointment should be made a few days in advance to the local Commodity Inspection Bureau to consult)

d, the commodity inspection bureau personnel to the warehouse, will first take pictures of the empty boxes, and then each vote of goods for the number of boxes of verification, verification of a vote to box a vote, and take a picture of a vote, until all loaded, and then to the commodity inspection bureau for customs clearance, and then you can arrange for customs clearance;

e, about 5 working days after customs clearance, to the Commodity Inspection Bureau to get the destination port clearance pre-shipment inspection certificate, foreign customers with this certificate can only be in the destination port for customs clearance work;

f, all goods exported to Egypt, its corresponding documents (certificates of origin and invoices) must be certified to the Egyptian Embassy in China for the Embassy, stamped documents and pre-shipment inspection certificate to be clearing the goods at the port of destination for pickup in Egypt, the Embassy recognised in the customs clearance or after the export data to determine;

g, Egyptian Embassy certification about 3-7 working days or so, for pre-shipment inspection certificate about 5 working days, other customs clearance, commodity inspection can consult the local official, marketers talk to customers must set aside their own security within the time to operate accordingly.

12, Pakistan

Karachi Port Authority regulations: the import of paper bags packed with charcoal powder, graphite powder, magnesium dioxide and other dyes, etc., must hit the pallet or properly boxed, otherwise not unloaded. In addition, Pakistan does not accept ships under the flag of India, South Africa, Israel, Korea and Taiwan to call at the port.

13、Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government stipulates that all cargoes transported to Saudi Arabia are not allowed to transit through Aden.

14、United Arab Emirates

The health authorities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi ports stipulate that all imported foodstuffs must indicate the expiry date and be accompanied by a hygiene and health manual, otherwise the port will not unload the goods.

15. Maldives

a. The import of all kinds of drugs and sulphuric acid, nitrates, dangerous animals, etc. is not permitted without the permission of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

b. The import of alcoholic beverages, dogs, pigs or pork, statues, etc. is not permitted without the permission of the Ministry of External Affairs.

16. Canada

The Government of Canada stipulates that goods going to the east coast of the country should be delivered in winter preferably at Halifax and St. John's, as these two ports are not affected by freezing.


Argentinean law provides that the consignee of a lost bill of lading must be declared to the Customs and Excise Department, with the consent of the Customs and Excise Department by the shipping company or by the shipping company commissioned by the agent to issue another set of bills of lading, and at the same time to the relevant agencies to submit a statement that the original bill of lading is invalidated.


The Tanzania Port Authority stipulates that all cargoes destined for the port of Dar es Salaam to be handed over to Tanzania or transshipped to Zambia, Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi, etc., need to be prominently brushed with different coloured crosses on the packages in order to be classified into different categories, or else the shipping company will be charged with the cargo classification fee.

19. Djibouti

Djibouti port regulations in the port of transshipment of goods, all documents and packaging mark should be clearly filled in the final destination port, such as WITH TRANSHIP-MENT TOHOOEIDAH, but must pay attention to, can not be filled in the bill of lading within the column of the port of destination, but only in the head or bill of lading in the other blanks indicate that, otherwise, Customs will be regarded as the territory of Djibouti, and to be delivered to the consignee of the Hong Kong goods. Otherwise, the customs will regard it as Djibouti local goods, and the consignee will be required to pay import tax before release.


The Kenyan government stipulates that all goods exported to Kenya should be insured by Kenyan insurance companies. CIF terms are not accepted.

21, Côte d'Ivoire

a. The name of the goods listed in the bill of lading and manifest should be specific and detailed, and cannot be replaced by the cargo category. In case of non-compliance with the above provisions, the customs penalty incurred by the carrier for this purpose will be borne by the shipper;

b. For goods transiting through Abidjan to Mali, Burkina Faso and other land-locked countries, the bill of lading and shipping documents as well as the transport package of the goods need to indicate "Côte d'Ivoire Transit" in order to be exempted from tax, otherwise, additional tax will be levied.


In order to prevent unscrupulous businessmen from arbitrage, the Central Management Department of Nigeria stipulates that all imported goods need to be inspected and qualified by the branch agency of Swiss General Notary Public and obtain "CLEAN REPORTOF FINDINGS" before the consignee can clear the customs and take delivery of the goods.


The Australian Port Authority stipulates that when the goods are imported in wooden crates, the timber should be fumigated and the fumigation certificate should be sent to the consignee. If there is no timber fumigation certificate, the wooden box will be dismantled and burnt, and the replacement cost of packaging will be borne by the consignor.

New Zealand

The New Zealand Port Authority stipulates that the wooden structure of the container and the wooden packing and cushioning materials inside the container must undergo quarantine treatment before entering the country.

25、Fi.... Fiji

Fiji Customs regulations prohibit the importation of spring-loaded knives and used clothing.

26. Iceland Iran

Section 90 of the Iranian Tax Code provides that goods loaded at Iranian ports for export are subject to freight tax at 50 per cent of the freight charges, irrespective of where the freight charges are paid, and imports are exempt from freight tax. The Jeddah and Dammam Port Authorities provide:

a. Cargoes to and from these two ports must be palletised at the port of shipment, and containerised cargoes must be palletised before loading;

b. Cargo documents must be detailed in all respects."

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