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"What is Container VGM

Container VGM is the Verified Gross Weight of the loaded container, VGM is the abbreviation of Verified Gross Mass. Gross weight of loaded container = weight of cargo + weight of cargo overpack (including pallets, cartons, reinforcements, etc.) + weight of empty container (tare weight marked on the box).

Currently, shippers can obtain the VGM of a container through the overall weighing method or the cumulative calculation method:

Integral weighing method: weighing the loaded container as a whole using scales that have been certified and verified by a metrological and technical organisation.

Totalisation method: The weight of all packages and goods in the container is weighed using a weighing method approved by the competent authority of the country in which the container is loaded, and the weight of the chassis, liner, other fastening materials in the container and the container itself are added together to calculate the overall weight of the loaded container.

The shipper has to make a container VGM declaration, i.e. to indicate the container VGM data, verification method and verification statement and other verification information on the transport document, which is provided to the carrier and the port operator.



Hazards of inaccurate container VGM declaration

In recent years, accidents caused by inaccurate declaration of container VGM have occurred from time to time. A large number of inaccurate container VGM declarations will cause improper ship allocation and ship overloading, which in serious cases may lead to accidents such as containers falling into the water, ship imbalance and sinking, ship hull damages, container stacking collapsing, and quay bridge crane breakage, resulting in casualties and property losses, and bringing unpredictable risks to ship navigation and terminal operations.


Provisions of Conventions and Regulations

International Conventions

In 2015, the 94th session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted amendments to regulation VI/2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (resolution MSC. 380(94)) requiring that the weight of a laden container should be verified prior to its delivery to a ship for carriage, which came into force on 1 July 2016 on a mandatory basis.

Domestic regulations

The Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Supervision of Ships (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules"), Article 47 and Article 55 provide for the verification of the weight of containers .

Article 47 of the Rules

The shipper of a laden container to be delivered to a ship for international carriage shall, before delivering the container to the ship for carriage, verify the weight of the container by adopting the weighing method as a whole or the cumulative calculation method, ensure that the verified weight of the container does not exceed the nominal maximum gross operating mass of the container, and that the error from the actual weight does not exceed 5% and the maximum error is not more than 1 tonne, and indicate the verified weight, the verified method and the verified statement on the transport document. The verification information is provided to the carrier and the port operator.

For shippers adopting the cumulative calculation method, they shall formulate the weight verification procedure in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Transport and carry out the verification of the weight of loaded containers in accordance with the procedure.

The carrier shall not load containers without validation information or with validation weight exceeding the maximum gross operating mass.


Article 55 of the Rules

In violation of these Rules, in the operation of international container cargo transport by vessel, if any of the following circumstances exists, the maritime administration agency shall impose a fine of not less than RMB1,000 and not more than RMB30,000

(i) The error between the verified weight provided by the shipper and the actual weight exceeds 5% or 1 tonne;

(B) the carrier carries containers that have not obtained validation information or whose validation weight exceeds the maximum gross operating mass.



Analysis of the reasons for shipper container VGM declaration offence

01 Existence of fluke mentality. Some shippers think that even if the container VGM declaration data is improper, accidents will not necessarily occur or be investigated by the competent authorities, thus ignoring the requirements of the convention and regulations and adopting an indifferent attitude towards the container VGM declaration data.

02 Blind pursuit of economic benefits. Some container VGM exceeds the maximum gross operating mass of the container. Some shipping companies, ports, terminals and highways further limit the weight within the range of container VGM or charge step fees according to weight. In order to save transport costs, shippers deliberately underreport container VGM in an attempt to muddle through.

03 Failure to use measuring equipment. Some shippers do not use certified measuring equipment for weighing commodities, pallets, linings and other items, but simply estimate and add up to arrive at the container VGM, or refer to the information of previous shipments for declaration, resulting in large errors.


Special Reminder

Whether the container VGM declaration data is accurate, whether the weight of the container exceeds the maximum total mass of the operation is directly related to the ship's scientific distribution of loads, the whole chain of foreign trade containers have an important impact on the safety of transport, not to take a chance.

Shippers should strengthen the awareness of the main responsibility for safety production, formulate the weight verification procedures in line with the Ministry of Transport's regulations, and carry out the weight verification of loaded containers in accordance with the procedures, accurately obtain and honestly declare the container VGM data, in order to guarantee the correct stowage of containers on the ship, and to reduce the hidden dangers of the ship's navigation safety."

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