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"The approximate process of exporting full container cargo (non-dangerous goods) by sea is as follows:

Cargo soliciting→inquiry→booking→acceptance of consignment application→booking confirmation→loading→issuance of empty containers→boxing→inbound→border inspection→declaration→declaration of inspection→customs declaration→loading (loading plan)→examination of bill of lading→shipowner's confirmation of charges→advance borrowing of purchased and paid remittances→payment of all charges→signing of bill of lading→demand for payment to the owner of the shipment→confirmation of payment and payment by the owner of the shipment→issuance of commercial invoice→discharge of bill of lading/electronic discharges/discharges/seawaybills

(A) Cargo solicitation → inquiry → booking → acceptance of consignment application → booking confirmation

A salesman solicits cargo and accepts inquiries from shippers. During the period of soliciting cargo, he should ask the inquiring shippers for some categories of information, such as:

1、 Shipper

2. Consignee

3. Notifier?

4. Name (in Chinese and English)

5. Port of destination, port of transit

6, Cabinet type and volume, special instructions for overweight cabinets (for special cabinets, detailed cargo dimensions, length*width*height, gross weight, volume, etc., and sometimes more detailed order of loading of cargoes and placement diagrams are required.) The maximum volume of each type is: ( length*width*height ) loadable volume, loadable weight?1×20'GP=31CBM 6*2.38*2.38 25 17MT?1×40'GP=67CBM 12*2.38*2.38 55 25MT?1×40' HC=76CBM 12*2.7*2.38?1×45'GP=86CBM? (Note: GP general purpose general box; CBM cubic metre cubic metre; MT metric ton metric ton; HC high cubic high box)

7、 Dangerous goods, frozen goods special instructions

8、 Shipment period (whether there is a letter of credit requirement)

9. Requirements for loading (shipping certificate, etc.)

10, Cargo delivery date and delivery method

11, Freight settlement method (prepayment, on-site payment), whether the third place payment

12、Whether to specify the ship owner

13, whether there is a requirement to apply for the destination port N days free of container period?

14, whether the bill of lading is issued MB/L or HB/L, and whether it is signed by the third place.

According to the requirements mentioned by the salesman, the line manager will ask for quotation from the shipping company and apply for a lower price in order to supply the main choice.

(Ⅰ) If booking directly with the shipowner, the following points should be noted:

1. Whether the shipowner has the port of destination mentioned by the cargo owner.

2、 Whether it is possible to take overweight cabinets

3, whether it is a direct ship or transit ship, where to transit

4, how many days to arrive at the destination port

5, the voyage to dock what terminal (Xiamen's Haitian, Xiangyu, Guomao, off the island of international containers, Songyu, Hairun,)

6, the voyage space is tight, whether the space can be guaranteed

(Ⅱ) if the designated shipowner, when necessary (such as cheaper freight) can be booked through the second forwarder, but in addition to note the same points with the shipowner, but also in the booking should be confirmed before the following aspects: 1, in the bill of lading, whether to change the SHIPPER or other information 2, in the case of the owner's requirements, whether to apply for the N days of the port of destination free of containers, 3, bill of lading issued by the MB/L or HB/L 4, whether to apply for the N days of the port of destination free of containers, 3, bill of lading issued by MB/L or HB/L4, whether to apply for the N days of the port of destination free of container period. Whether the bill of lading is issued MB/L or HB/L 4. Whether the space can be guaranteed

(The above only applies to sea freight prepaid FREIGHT PREPAID)

Third, the route director and the shipowner / freight forwarder negotiated tariffs, and the owner accepts the operator's offer, sign the export cargo agency power of attorney S / O (booking form), the operator will be able to booking, to the documents department to print a non-format consignment note, and in the above marking of the ship schedule, freight rates, the amount of cabinets and container type of containers, and the owner of the special requirements of the Division of booking the person's phone number, fax, and so on. After the consignment note has been transmitted, the shipowner can be urged to confirm the booking.

At the same time, the salesman to fill in the complete company business cover, and marked clearly the cost of each cost amount of the trailer company, customs broker and its telephone and fax.

Fourth, the route director to obtain the shipowner's reply to the booking confirmation, the bill of lading number on the cover, the ship's name voyage, and then handed over to the OP for operation.

V. How to deal with the unexpected situation

1, due to the reasons of the owner of the cargo requires replacement to the next voyage will be originally booked confirmation back to the shipowner to notify the return of the ticket, and re-booking the next voyage of the cabin, if there is a change in tariffs should be informed in a timely manner to the operator, and the owner of the negotiation.

2, the owner of the cargo request to apply for the port of destination 10 ~ 14 days free of container period to contact the shipowner to determine the specific number of days can be applied to free of container period N, and issue an application to apply for the port of destination N days free of container period of the application (stamped on the bill of lading on the official seal of the SHIPPER), FAX to the shipowner. And then apply to the port of destination by it until confirmation.

3, non-hazardous description If the cargo name is chemical substances, but non-hazardous goods, and the shipowner has requested a description, it is necessary to issue a non-hazardous goods description, stamped with the official seal of SHIPPER on the bill of lading.

4、After picking up the container, the shipowner will change the ship or the cargo owner will request to change the ship with the original booking confirmation to the shipowner to return the load, re-book the cabin, get the new booking confirmation, and issue a set of container application to the shipowner, stamped with the seal of the freight forwarder. Note that the original information of the ship's name voyage (MV.), bill of lading number (OB/L), port of departure / port of destination (POL / POD), container number / container type (CNTR #) need to be set to the new ship's name voyage, new bill of lading number.


(II) Load arrangement→issuance of empty containers→loading→entry→border inspection

I. Scheduling

1, OP according to the information provided by the owner of the brush out of the container cargo consignment note (discharge sheet), discharge sheet a total of nine:

The first one: the cargo owner keeps the backing

The second: the bottom of the shipping agency (plus booking freight forwarding business chapter to type the code of the owner of the shipping agency)

The third: freight notice

The fourth: freight notice

The fifth: application for picking up container (stamped with booking forwarder's business seal)

Sixth: copy of packing list and terminal receipt (stamped with terminal entry stamp after the container enters the terminal)

Attachment of the sixth joint: application for payment of port charges for export cargo (indicate the charges for loading or towing, so as to collect the payment from the cargo owner and reconcile the financial statement).

The seventh: a copy of the terminal receipt, the major and minor coupons

Copy:Yard Receipt

The ninth: the bottom of the forwarder (stamped with booking forwarder business seal)

2、If the exported goods are foodstuffs, at the same time of printing the loading list, print a loading list that has been stamped with the terminal's entry chapter of the sixth, fill in the date of entry and fax it to the Customs Brokerage House for the exchange of Customs Clearance.

3、Confirmation of booking?

Take 2~9 copies of the manifest and the booking confirmation to the field to the shipping agency for discharging.

After discharging, the shipping agent collects the 2nd copy and stamps the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th copies with the seal of the discharge sheet.


A. COSCOSEA online booking, after verbal confirmation of tariff with shipowner, log in company's user name and password on COSCOSEA's website, enter the content of consignment note, etc., and mark telephone number of booking officer, fax number and the words of "Advance loan of 6th, 7th and 8th couples" in the additional description. After sending, it will be audited before ship allocation, after ship allocation, you can directly print the confirmed booking form without scheduling.

B. The booking operation of SITC is more different:

▲Japan line can make up the bill of lading number according to the way of bill of lading number arrangement given to us by SITC's SALES, and make up the consignment note and the manifest 1~9 according to the vessel name and voyage on the schedule, and can be loaded without the confirmation of booking by SITC. However, it is necessary to FAX one copy of the manifest to SITC to indicate the booking, and SITC will notify you if the space is tight.

▲Other routes If the vessel is not SITC's, SITC will pass the booking confirmation, and you should go to the feeder owner to arrange the loading. If the vessel is a SITC, it will be directly scheduled for loading!


Second, picking up empty containers for loading into the field Border Inspection

Ⅰ, towing and loading

①The fifth row of the bill of lading (plus booking forwarder business seal)?

② booking confirmation?

① + ② from the shipping agency

③ Packing list (two packing lists/cabinets for frozen containers, with temperature and freezing container marking ""12F""), no packing list at Haicang Terminal?

④Towed container handover sheet, indicating towing time, place, contact person and telephone number (if the SHIPPER has special requirements such as the frame must be 20 frames, food products need to do cabinet inspection, wooden products need to do fumigation, etc., should also be informed.)

After ⑤ equipment handover order, go to the designated yard to pick up the container.

According to ④ to the owner's designated place for loading, after the arrival of the container, the owner will load the container by himself, after sealing the seal, then the towing company will tow the container into the terminal with ③ + ⑤.

(6) Six attached pages to be kept as settlement of harbour charges.

** OP follow up the situation of container towing, get the container number and seal, and check with the owner of the ship, especially when one owner has several cargoes together, make sure to check with the owner correctly. In addition, after the container is loaded into the yard, you can also log on to the terminal's web portal to inquire about the ship owner, container type, seal, and so on.

Ⅱ, yard loading

① notify the yard in advance to arrange for field loading plan, and the owner to determine the field loading time, fax a warehouse map to the owner (with OP's phone fax)

② get the equipment handover sheet

③ before the owner of the goods to the yard, the yard should be lifted to the container

④ Fill in the field loading plan, indicating the loading time, contact person, telephone (if the SHIPPER has special requirements such as the frame must be 20 racks, food loaded with the need to do the cabinet inspection, fumigation of wood products need to be done, etc., should also be informed.)

⑤ If the loading is completed, the cargo owner should be asked to confirm whether the cargo has been filled up and the container can be towed into the terminal.

(6) If the container is ready to enter the yard, obtain the container number and seal and check with the terminal.

Ⅲ, after the container is in the yard, arrange the field work to the terminal to stamp the seal of entry (on the 6th copy of the loading list).


Border Inspection

1、 If the vessel is travelling directly to the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, it is necessary to fill in the border inspection form to the border inspection station within two days before sailing, and then send it to the terminal together with the 6th, 7th and 8th copies of the form after release.

2、 If the border inspection (almost the same practice with customs), but if it is loaded in the yard, you can go to the yard to look for the seal, and then go to the border station for release.

The special requirements for containers.

Fourth, the special requirements of the container

1, the cabinet inspection cabinet (general export goods for food only need), should be informed as early as possible to the co-inspector is expected to drag or field loading time, fax the loading list in order to arrange the cabinet inspection plan. Cabinet inspection takes about half a working day, the co-inspector to fill out (including the following effective content: inspection number, box number, specifications, temperature, test evaluation, co-inspector signature, inspector signature, and stamped with the official seal of the freight forwarder) to the Commodity Inspection Bureau to apply to the designated yard self-inspection of qualified containers at the container fitness test. After passing the inspection, issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People's Republic of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Container Inspection and Quarantine (referred to as the cabinet inspection sheet), the original of which was given to the Customs Clearance Bank for customs clearance, a copy of which is stamped with the "Union for the origin of the inspection and quarantine agencies to check containers and archives," by the clerk to the owner of the goods back. Co-inspectors in a number of cabinets within the checklist issued, fill out the registration form for outbound containers loaded with goods, audit and stamp sent to the Commodity Inspection Bureau cancellation.

2, if the goods are transported to Europe and other countries of wood products or goods used is a wooden pallet, wooden packaging, it should be fumigated, which is the destination port requirements. Before fumigation, first determine whether the cargo owner's goods are ready, in advance of dragging the container or field loading ready for fumigation.

Required fumigation materials are:?

① declaration of wooden packaging materials of goods exported to Europe (official seal)

② letter of entrustment for inspection (official seal)

③ A letter of guarantee issued by the owner of the goods entrusted to the inspection (official seal)

④ Cargo invoice (official seal)

⑤ Cargo packing list (official seal)

⑥ If the outer package of the goods is wet due to the weather, which may lead to unclear marking, and because of the tight delivery time, it is necessary to mark and fumigate the goods within the stipulated time, so a letter of guarantee is issued for fumigation.

* After the material is handed over to the customs broker, the broker will make an appointment with the Commodity Inspection Bureau for fumigation. The fumigation time is 24 hours, after which a fumigation certificate issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau is obtained. As the fumigation time is long and the goods can only be entered, declared and declared after the release of gas, arrangements should be made in advance.


V. Handling of emergencies

1、Establish customer code application

If the cargo owner has no customer code in the shipping agency, fill in the application form for establishing customer code, stamp the official seal of SHIPPER on the manifest and apply for adding code in the shipping agency.

2、After scheduling, the cargo owner changes the container type and quantity.

To change the ship name, voyage, bill of lading number, container owner, container type, size, number of containers, etc., first go to the export loading department to confirm the change and then go to the Container Management Department to apply for the corresponding change procedures. Changing the place of picking up and returning containers shall be handled directly by the Container Management Department.


(1) All the goods after discharge will generate ¥50 booking fee to be paid.

(2) If the cargo is not delivered to the yard after receiving the equipment hand-over slip, and the cargo is unloaded for any reason, it is necessary to hold a full set of equipment hand-over slip and go to the shipping agent for unloading.

(3) If the cargo is backloaded for some reasons and the heavy container has not entered the terminal after picking up the container, hold the entry link of the equipment handover slip to the shipping agent for backloading procedures, and return the empty containers picked up to the designated yard in a timely manner. Without permission, the empty containers after unloading shall not be reused in other tickets for export or retained without permission (reuse of other tickets requires the issuance of container guarantee letter). Otherwise, the misuse of containers, losses and related costs will be borne by the responsible party.

4、When picking up the container, there is no trailer towing the container

(1) First contact with the owner of the goods, whether the towing time can be slightly delayed

(2) If the time is urgent, then temporarily arrange another towing company to go to tow the container delayed into the field

5、Trailer to the yard to pick up the container, but the yard does not need the container

A. Immediately contact with the shipowner and ask other yards if there are still containers for the shipowner.

B. Go to the shipping agent to change the equipment handover order (normal working hours)

C. If the container is not towed during normal working hours:

① shipowner to confirm that the container is located in the yard, issued a confirmation of borrowed containers

② Borrowed container freight forwarder to fill out the loan letter of guarantee, stamped with the seal of the freight forwarder. (Showing the type of container volume and shipowner) If it is a frozen container, it should also describe the vents and temperature; If it is a container inspection, it will directly call the container that has been cabinet inspection qualified containers.

6、After picking up the container, due to the goods can not be ready, the owner of the cargo request to postpone a voyage

After the container has been lifted and the export time is postponed, according to the shipping company's shipping schedule, reasonable arrangements for the use of the box time if more than the shipping company to provide free use of the box period, will be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the container overtime charges.

7、Apply for delayed entry due to cargo owner's reason of not being able to enter the yard on time.

Timely contact with the shipowner and inform the expected time of entry, the shipowner will apply to the terminal under the supervision of the Customs and attach the application for delayed entry stating the name of the ship, voyage, bill of lading number, box number, port of discharge, place of delivery, etc. (stamped with the seal of the freight forwarder).The shipowner should apply to the Customs supervised terminal.

(iii) Declaration → Inspection → Customs declaration → Load (ship loading plan)

I. Declaration (check the information → declaration) in the loading at the same time should be urged to declare the information, in order to timely declaration of customs. Always pay attention to the cut-off time for entering the site, cutting off the bill, cutting off the customs declaration, and cutting off the release time. Customs declaration information are: 1, the necessary documents:? ① goods invoice (official seal) ② goods packing list (official seal) ③ agent customs declaration power of attorney (official seal) White Union Customs retained Yellow Union retained by the entrusted party (customs broker) Red Union retained by the entrusted party (the owner of the goods) ④ export receipts and cancellation of receipts and cancellation of receipts + export tax rebates ⑤ contract (general trade only) ⑥ Customs Clearance (Commodity Inspection) 2, other documents (if necessary, you need to provide):? ①export licence ②tax exemption certificate ③commercial inspection certificate ④certificate of origin ⑤port wheat header copy page ⑥copy of letter of credit *OP after obtaining the customs declaration information, it should be checked against the previous manifest to see if there are any changes, and if there are any changes, then it should be filled in the changes before sailing, and reprinted a new manifest 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and the packing list for declaration. **If the booking is made through a second forwarder, the forwarder will be responsible for scheduling. After scheduling, the forwarder will hand over copies 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the manifest, and attach a blank copy of the pre-sailing changes (forwarder's stamp) and a blank copy of copies 2 and 9 of the manifest (forwarder's stamp) for declaration. (1) the row of load, stamped with the entry stamp after the row of load sheet 6, 7, 8, 9 ② new printing for declaration of customs declaration of 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 (printed on the container number, seal)? ③ Changes before sailing (freight forwarder's stamp)? ④Correct packing list (with container number and seal). ④Correct packing list (with container number and seal) ④Correct packing list (with container number and seal) ④Correct packing list (with container number and seal) Handed over to the field to declare at the shipping agent? If there is no change in the information on the row of load at the time of declaration, there is no need to refresh the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th couples and change them before sailing. ♫ ?

At this time, the shipping agent will collect the 2nd and 9th documents and stamp the declaration stamp on the 6th and 8th documents.

The declaration will be made by the shipping agent.

Second, the inspection is to obtain due to customs supervision requirements for the export of goods for customs clearance needs to be provided by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of goods after inspection agreed to export customs clearance orders. 1, if the export commodities for the state regulations need to do commodity inspection of the goods, it is necessary to provide the owner of the relevant documents relating to the inspection of the exchange of single. Customs broker to provide the consignor's invoice, packing list, sales contract, as well as the cabinet inspection list, inspection power of attorney and a copy of the discharge sheet has been stamped with the seal of entry, commissioned the customs broker for the exchange of customs declaration procedures. Customs declaration, customs declaration must be submitted to the Customs and Excise Department with the customs declaration information. 2, inspection encountered in exchange for customs declaration commodity inspection inspection (technical inspection / random inspection), must be through the customs broker to the Commodity Inspection Bureau to make an appointment for inspection. Inspection of the goods do not need to enter the terminal, only the goods are loaded, you can have the site directly with the Commodity Inspection Bureau of the inspector to the site inspection can be. At this time, the inspection is mainly for the performance of the packaging of goods and production batch number. After the inspection, you can change out the customs clearance documents.

3, foreign owners of goods exported in Xiamen need to declare the local inspection and quarantine should be issued by the Bureau of the exchange of vouchers issued in Xiamen inspection.

Third, customs declaration.

Third, customs declaration 1, after the declaration of 6, 7, 8 and customs information forwarded to the customs broker for customs clearance.

2, customs broker with OP transferred to the whole set of customs information, the first hit the customs declaration, and customs declaration pre-entry. Declaration data into the electronic computer, the Customs received before the Customs can be formally submitted to the Customs declaration documents.


IV. Allocation (ship loading plan)

After the release of goods should be sent to the terminal in a timely manner for loading; this link is generally operated by the customs broker, the customs broker will be stamped with the "Customs release seal" of the 6th, 7th and 8th to the terminal loading room. After receiving, the terminal will stamp on the 8th link, return it to the customs broker and transfer it to the forwarder for use in signing the bill of lading, leaving the 6th and 7th links behind. The 7th copy will be forwarded by the terminal to the first mate of the exporting ship as the basis for loading and the 6th copy will be handed over to the freight forwarder after the ship departs.

The 6th copy will be given to the freight forwarder after the ship sails.

V. Possible situations

1, due to the shipowner's cabin, the goods were dumped (1) the shipowner is always out of their own considerations, in the booking of a few more confirmed spaces to the booking of freight forwarders, in order to prevent the consignor back to the load, and the voyage is not fully loaded by the loss. Until the burst cabin can not be carried, only to carry out the dumping of containers. (2) After the burst cabin shipowners timely notify the company route supervisor container was dumped. Generally the shipowner will entrust a customs broker to do a unified load exchange, each shipowner has different requirements, depending on the specific circumstances. (3) OP to the Department of Documents according to the new ship's name, voyage to retype the new 6, 7, 8 and packing list (4) will be the new 6, 7, 8 row loaded, with the old 8 to the terminal for the old 6, 7 (5) with the new 6, 7, 8 to cover the entry chapter (6) the last will be the old 6, 7 and the new 6, 7, 8 do a unified exchange of loads

2, after the declaration of goods cover, change the data again after the declaration of chapter cover, generally not allowed to change the data again, such as the need to change should be presented with a stamped forwarder's official seal of the letter of guarantee, indicating the consignor, bill of lading number, ship's name voyage, date of sailing and the old and new data.

3、The shipping agent has cut off the load, and the goods need to be exported urgently to issue a letter of guarantee to the shipping agent (stamped with the official seal of the freight forwarder) to the customs broker for processing, and can be loaded at the same time, declared, and declared to the Customs and Excise Department for submission of a single.

4, the cargo exceeds the weight limit of the destination port, can not enter the field to issue a letter of guarantee to the shipowner that all the consequences are borne by the freight forwarder, and stamped with the seal of the freight forwarder.

5、The port of origin terminal and the pickup location in the island or the island in two different areas which has a vital impact on the cost of the trailer, pay attention to generate new road and bridge tolls.

6、Container has been in the field, but due to special reasons need to re-box out of the heavy box after the heavy box into the terminal, for any reason must be moved out of the terminal to deal with the re-entry of the terminal exit, or move to another terminal exit, you need to provide the consignor / trailer company's relevant instructions and customs inspection and release of information, reloading of the consignment note lading joints, etc., to the shipping agency for the transfer of the heavy box field formalities.

(iv) Examination of bill of lading → shipping agent to handle the procedure of transferring heavy containers

(D) Examination of bill of lading → shipowner's confirmation of charges → advance loan of purchase and payment union → payment of all charges → signing of bill of lading

I. What is the bill of lading

1, the bill of lading refers to a contract for the carriage of goods by sea and goods by the carrier to take over or loading, as well as the carrier to ensure the delivery of goods according to the document. It is the consignee of proof of goods.

2, bill of lading content:

① ship name voyage

② bill of lading number

③ Carrier's name

④ Shipper

⑤ Consignee

⑥ Notifier

⑦ Port of loading, port of discharge, port of transhipment

⑧ Name, mark, packaging, number of pieces, weight, volume of goods

⑧ Name, marking, packaging, number of pieces, weight, volume of goods ⑨ Payment terms for freight

⑩ bill of lading date of issue, place, number of copies

*** The most important is the signature or seal of the carrier or its authorised person.

The most important thing is the signature or seal of the carrier or its authorised person.

Second, the bill of lading

1, check, change the bill of lading must be designated by the shipowner before the time for processing, so as to avoid unnecessary costs to change the bill.

2, the issuance of bills of lading or electric release, you need to go to the shipowner or the designated shipping agency, at the same time must be ready to the eighth and the relevant letter of guarantee, as well as the bank has paid the cost of each item of the payment of the water bill (the issuance of a letter of guarantee in advance of borrowing the purchase and payment of remittance before the payment of sea freight USD). At the same time, you can also use the water bill to issue an invoice for the paid expenses, and submit it to the financial account.

Third, the receipt, electricity release, and the payment of shipping charges.

Third, receive a single, electric discharge, SEAWAYBILL  

1, first of all, should be timely to go to the customs broker will be released to send after the seal of the dock to retrieve the eighth link.  

2, with the fourth link to the shipping agency to pay the document fee, if prepaid, when the owner of the freight has been paid with the water bill (the city of the original, non-city can be a copy of the freight forwarding letter of guarantee) and the fourth link to open the freight invoice.  

3, the bill of lading (refers to lead MASTER B / C) ① bill of lading is to take the eighth link and the invoice of documentation fees, freight invoices (business link) to the shipping agent to issue a bill of lading ② If the bill of lading content and the eighth link on the information is different or the bill of lading to show some special content (such as B / L shows non-wooden packaging, ALSO NOTFY CLEAN BOARD) and the ship's certificate and so on) need to allow the owner to mention the original bond on behalf of and let the shipowner to confirm consent, plus the forwarder's letter of guarantee in order to sign the bill of lading.  ③ If the owner of the cargo allowed to sign the bill of lading provided by the bond format for the foreign representative of the prescribed format, and must be confirmed by the shipowner agrees to add the forwarder's letter of guarantee. Note: the time to receive the bill of lading should wait for the ship to open, the first mate receipt (the seventh) by the shipowner back to the shipping agency after verification of the shipping agency will issue a bill of lading, generally wait for the ship to open half a day later, but if the shipowner can issue a bill of lading, you can issue a single change in the ship after the opening of the letter of guarantee as long as the owner of the goods on the line.  

4、Electric release  

In the case of goods loaded on board, the shipping company issued a bill of lading, the consignee must surrender a properly endorsed (duly endorsed) the original bill of lading (in the change of port of discharge or in other special circumstances, usually should be surrendered a full set of the original bill of lading) (Note: this is the bill of lading as a payment of the nature of the securities, that is, bill of lading on the request of the realisation of the right of the lading must be to the bill of lading for the requisite), and should also be paid off! All payable expenses, and then only in the port of discharge to obtain a bill of lading (DeliveryOrder, D / O), to withdraw the goods.  

When the consignee can not get the bill of lading in time, it is usually the consignee with the guarantee for the bill of lading after picking up the goods (Note: Please distinguish between the shipping practice is usually used in the concept of "letter of guarantee" and the concept of "guarantee" in the law of guarantee). However, the shipping company can not guarantee against a third party (holding the bill of lading of the real consignee), because the bill of lading is the carrier to ensure the delivery of goods on the basis of the document. The terms set forth in the bill of lading to deliver the goods to the named person, or to deliver the goods in accordance with the instructions of the person giving them, or to deliver the goods to the holder of the bill of lading, constitute the carrier's warranty under which the goods are to be delivered.?  

In order to enable the consignee can not obtain the bill of lading in a timely manner, and the shipping company is not willing to guarantee the delivery of goods in a timely manner to withdraw the goods, in practice, the practice of "electric release". People usually say "electric release" is a narrow concept, that is, the shipper (consignor) will be loaded on board the ship will be the carrier (or its agent) issued by the carrier (or its agent) of the full set of original bills of lading back to the carrier (or its agent), while the designated consignee (non-nominal bill of lading); carrier authorization (usually by telex, telegraph and other communications) in the unloading of the goods. The carrier authorises (usually by telex, telegram or other means of communication) its agent at the port of discharge to deliver the goods without the consignee producing an original bill of lading (which has been withdrawn).  

Therefore, the legal principle of "electric release" is: in the case of the carrier to issue a bill of lading, when the bill of lading can be recovered to deliver the goods (or bill of lading). Since the carrier to recover the bill of lading is in the delivery of goods (port of discharge) other than the place (usually in the port of loading), as a special case, so the recovery of a full set of the original bill of lading. However, at present, the relevant international conventions, national laws (such as China's maritime law) and regulations do not have the definition of "electric release".  

Electric release should be provided by the shipper in writing or letter of guarantee, in the case of the original bill of lading has been issued, it should be recovered a full set of the original bill of lading before doing electric release.  

5、SEAWAYBILL:Basically equivalent to electric release, but not every port of destination is allowed to do SEAWAYBILL. (Generally no cost) * with the eighth link, the invoice of the document fee, shipping invoice (attachment) in addition to the original letter of guarantee to the owner of the ship for the delivery of electric discharge fee to take the shipowner's electric discharge notice.

Fourth, call for payment: 1: ticket settlement: ticket settlement customers should comply with the principle of seeing the money to release the single

2: Monthly settlement: Monthly settlement customers can directly release the single to the customer after sailing."

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